This animated short shows a man desolate, alone and depressed, literally throwing his heart away–only to have it retrieved by a dog whose instinct to fetch is life affirming and life changing.
Making a touching case for adopting a dog, this short film for Pedigree dog food was conceived by agency AlmapBBDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and animated and produced by the Sao Paulo studio LOBO.
Directing “A Dog Brings It Back” was the LOBO duo Alton (consisting of Felipe Machado and Tiago Marcondes) who teamed with animation director Fabiano Broki.
CreditsClient Mars Inc./Pedigree Agency AlmapBBDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil Luiz Sanches, chief creative officer; Andre Gola, Pernil , Bruno Prosperi, Keka Morelle, Marcelo Nogueira, executive creative directors; Pedro Corbett, Firulo, creatives. Production/Animation LOBO, Sao Paulo, Brazil Alberto Lopes, Sergio Salles, EPs; Gabriel Nobrega, Alton (duo consisting of Felipe Machado, Tiago Marcondes), directors; Fabiano Broki, animation director & concept artist; Anderson Omori, Chan Tong, 2D lead animation; Antonio Soares Neto, storyboard & animatic; Pedro Jones, Christopher Silveira, Henrique Lobato, Romulo Oliveira, concept art; Henrique Lobato, Bruno Tedesco, Romulo de Oliveira, Michel Venus, Francisco “Chicão” Sanches, Marcos “Bogus” Llussá, Paulo Puiupo, Gian Burani, 2D animation; Gabriela Maluf, postproduction; Clara Morelli, Rosangela Gomes, post coordination (3D); Vivi Torre, producer/finisher; Taina Soares, post assistant. (Toolbox: After Effects, Photoshop). Audio Cabaret Music Cyro Neto, Guilherme Azem; Andre Henrique, composer. Audio Post Gab Scatolin, mixer.
Top Spot of the Week: Samsung, BBH Singapore, Director Rhys Thomas Get Fit For A Surf Holiday
Samsung’s new global campaign from BBH Singapore, featuring Samsung Health and Galaxy AI, tells the story of a young professional couple who compete to get fit for a surf holiday.
Titled “A Samsung Health Story: Racing to Fiji,” this film taps into Gen Z’s wellness dilemma and the fact that they can often find health information overwhelming; in particular, BBH Singapore took inspiration from young people who reference their “quarter life crisis” on social media. This film tells the story of Stacey and Steve who decide to go surfing in Fiji, something they did five years ago but haven’t done since they started their jobs. However, there’s one problem: they need to get fitter first.
Featuring a range of Galaxy products powered by Galaxy AI, they rebuild their fitness to prepare for the trip, competing playfully to spur each other on. We see them comparing their Energy Scores (a new feature on the Samsung Health app), recording their runs and swims on their Samsung Galaxy Watches, trying and failing to get fit at work and on their commutes and striving to improve in the run up to the trip. When they get there, however, there’s a fun twist, and the film ends on a cliffhanger.
The ad is expected to be the first in a series, which will develop the characters and their “world” in future episodes. This longform (two-and-a-half-minute) version of the spot delves deeper into the storytelling, in a fresh approach for Samsung’s product campaigns, while the shorter edits focus on driving exposure to specific features.
BBH Singapore also leaned into the entertainment aspect of the spot; it was directed by comedic specialist Rhys Thomas at Stink Films, who has a major TV background. Best known for his work on Saturday Night... Read More