This charming short from The Martin Agency and its in-house production/animation studio Hue&Cry tells us the story of where the Oreo Mini comes from while reminding viewers not to overlook things just because they are small–such as the easy-to-miss roadside Mel’s Mini Mini Mart.
Brig White and Evan Parsons of Hue&Cry directed the piece. The Martin Agency’s in-house post shop, Running With Scissors, handled the editorial, with Mark Myers as editor.
CreditsClient Oreo Agency The Martin Agency, Richmond, Va. Joe Alexander, chief creative officer; Jorge Calleja, sr. VP/global group creative director; Danny Robinson, sr. VP/creative director; David Muhlenfeld, VP/creative director; Magnus Hierta, creative director; Brig White, associate creative director; Steve Humble, executive producer; Andrew Campbell, producer; Maggie Shifflett, jr. producer; Gigi Jordan, strategic planner. Production Hue&Cry, Richmond, Va. Brig White, Evan Parsons, directors; Topher Osborn, DP; Scott Friske, exec producer; Katherine Leatherwood, sr. producer. Editorial Running With Scissors, Richmond, Va. Mark Myers, editor; Danny Reidy, assistant editor; Scott Friske, exec producer; Chris Hagen, Flame artist. Post Company 3, Santa Monica, Calif. Beau Leon, colorist. Animation Hue&Cry Magnus Hierta, creative director; Evan Parsons, associate creative director; Scott Friske, exec producer; Brian Creech, head of production; Matt Deans, Ryan Musselman, designers. Music Duotone NY Audio Post Rainmaker Studios, Richmond, Va. Jeff McManus, engineer/mixer. Performers Marty Sidman, voiceover; Britta Kelley, Mike Kelley, Jane White, Macy White.
Apple, Director Aoife McArdle “Capture” Cinematic Slow-Motion Filmmaking On iPhone 16 Pro
Aptly titled “Capture,” this spot from Apple’s in-house creative ensemble shows the high caliber mobile filmmaking of which the iPhone 16 Pro is capable. Directed by Emmy and DGA Award nominee (for Severance) Aoife McArdle via production company SMUGGLER--and lensed by cinematographer Edu Grau--the commercial captures the iPhone’s ability to record in 4K120fps ProRes and then adjust playback speed after capture in the Photos app to create cinematic slow-motion filmmaking. This breathtaking imagery is showcased in a wide range of circumstances--from epic action to intimate moments.
The tagline: “Hollywood in your pocket.”
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