Animated commercial set to the theme song of the Pink Panther. A police man is walking around noticing various items painted pink in an otherwise black and white setting. The pink panther walks out from behind a tree with a paint brush. He touches a fountain, and a fish tank and the water turns pink. He motions to touch a fire hydrant, but loses steam until he sees a table with pink packets on it. He approaches and pours the contents of one packet into his mouth. Completely refreshed he paints a mural of Sweet’N Low “Think Pink” on the side of a building.
CreditsAgency: Pedone & Partners Advertising Tom Cook, creative director; Shayne Millington, art director; Carolyn Oppenheim, copywriter; Matthew Pedone, producer. Production Company: Hornet Inc.,Flux Animation JJ & Maithy, directors/animators/3-D modelers; Michael Feder, executive producer; Andrew Isaacson, producer; Christian DeCastro, animator; Satoshi Harada, 3-D modeler; Anita Chao and Jeremy Lusk, editors.,Brent Chambers, Mike Howie, Raymond McGrath and Dave Butler, 2-D animators. Sound Design: Pomann Sound Bob Pomann, sound designer/audio mixer.
Apple, Director Aoife McArdle “Capture” Cinematic Slow-Motion Filmmaking On iPhone 16 Pro
Aptly titled “Capture,” this spot from Apple’s in-house creative ensemble shows the high caliber mobile filmmaking of which the iPhone 16 Pro is capable. Directed by Emmy and DGA Award nominee (for Severance) Aoife McArdle via production company SMUGGLER--and lensed by cinematographer Edu Grau--the commercial captures the iPhone’s ability to record in 4K120fps ProRes and then adjust playback speed after capture in the Photos app to create cinematic slow-motion filmmaking. This breathtaking imagery is showcased in a wide range of circumstances--from epic action to intimate moments.
The tagline: “Hollywood in your pocket.”
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