Matt Aselton of Arts & Sciences directed this spot which tells the story of a rambunctious family from the viewpoint of a porcelain tree topper, voiced by The Sopranos’ Lorraine Bracco. She describes how she has seen a lot in her decades with the family. Near misses. The antics of the McDermott boys. Just about everything that comes with being part of a big family.
Even though it can be crazy in the house, she loves when the family is curled up in front of Netflix. It’s so sweet that it always brings a smile. Then again, she adds, “It’s kinda painted on my face.”
This is Deutsch LA’s first spot for Netflix.
CreditsCarMax, The Martin Agency, Director Ulf Johansson Take Us To Car Dealership Run By Beetlejuice
CarMax, the used car retailer known for promoting “the way car buying should be,” understands that sometimes the best way to appreciate doing things the right way is by showcasing the wrong way. In collaboration with the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice team--which is elated given that the movie topped this weekend’s North American box office--CarMax is taking a playful approach to show what car buying shouldn’t be. Showing a family’s nightmarish car-buying experience by turning a character from the movie into possibly the most devious car salesman ever, the campaign, titled “BeetleMax: The Way Car Buying Shouldn’t Be,” humorously illustrates what to avoid when purchasing a car, highlighting CarMax’s commitment to providing a trustworthy and enjoyable car-buying experience for the whole family.
The campaign, concepted by The Martin Agency and directed by Ulf Johansson via Smith and Jones Films--includes this hero spot depicting a car dealership, Beetlemax, run by Beetlejuice himself.
“Beetlejuice is among Warner Bros. most beloved franchises and continues to be sought out by audiences of all ages. Theatrical partnerships with brands like CarMax and their BeetleMax campaign are exciting because they allow us to extend the cinematic world for moviegoers and offer an enhanced entertainment experience. We are thrilled to be partnering with CarMax in such an innovative and immersive way for Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,” said Dana Nussbaum, EVP of worldwide marketing for Warner Bros. Pictures.
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