For 35 years, the number 686868 has helped connect millions of youth in Canada to Kids Help Phone as their text line, reaching out for mental health support at any time. Now, the 686868 Circuit is bringing these numbers to the world of sport by transforming them into a modular exercise circuit. But it’s more than just a workout. The everyday practice of counting reps has been turned into a reminder for young athletes to let their feelings out.
Launching the campaign from McCann Canada is this hero film directed by Mark Zibert of production house Scouts Honour featuring Kids Help Phone’s athlete ambassadors, Andre De Grasse, William Nylander, Marissa Papaconstantinou, Kelly Olynyk, Penny Oleksiak and Kia Nurse, alongside real youth to show the less glorious side of sport: the side filled with doubt, comparisons and criticism. The film features the original Queen track and sporting anthem, “We Are the Champions” to underscore the message that “Even champions need champions.”
Among the Canadian athletes featured are many who will be competing in the upcoming Olympics.
The overall campaign includes downloadable 686868 Circuits created in partnership with athletes, social videos of them discussing their own mental health and completing their unique 686868 Circuits to inspire more people to join the movement.