Film created by Zulu Alpha Kilo, director Dave Mossop and GO2 Productions features groundbreaking projection mapping imagery shot and lit only by moonlight.
In Projection of Greatness, a new 90-second film for Audi, the Q7’s ascent of a snow covered mountain turns magical with the live action projection of its soul. Conceived by Toronto agency Zulu Alpha Kilo, directed by Dave Mossop of Sherpas Cinema and Accomplice Media, and featuring projection mapping by GO2 Productions, the stunning display was captured entirely in-camera, with no CGI manipulation in post.
The aim of the film is to showcase the all-new Q7’s impressive mix of power, style and innovation, and how its greatness “projects” onto any terrain. It opens on a silver SUV making its way along a twisting, snow-covered mountain road under moonlight. The stars and the flying snow transform the vehicle into a fully animated version of itself that streaks up the side of the mountain.
“When I saw it, I had trouble believing my own eyes,” says Zak Mroueh, Chief Creative Officer at Zulu Alpha Kilo. “Consumers who see it may not believe it either. But the sequences were absolutely captured 100 percent in camera with no CGI involved. The result is stunning.”
Mossop worked alongside Zulu Alpha Kilo’s creative team and projection mapping specialist GO2 Productions to create the incredible imagery. The film was shot on location at Fortress Mountain, Alberta, 7500 feet above sea level. Temperatures during the nighttime shoots dropped to -20C. “We were lucky to have two Q7 picture cars,” recalls Mossop. “Turned out, they were the only vehicles on the shoot that could handle the icy conditions.”
The production team used high powered projectors to map animated visuals directly onto the Audi Q7 and the mountain environment to create the 3D illusions. “We were presented with a wonderful set of challenges,” says Mossop, “including the difficulty of bringing vehicles, crew and a lot of technology to a remote and undisturbed location in the dead of winter.”
Mossop shot the opening sequence of the film with the real Q7 by moonlight alone. That was made possible through the use of newly developed digital cinema cameras capable of capturing high-resolution imagery in extremely low light. “We’ve had a great relationship with Audi for a couple of years,” says Mossop, “and we were thrilled to be given the opportunity to help concept this innovative project with Zulu Alpha Kilo and then overcome the technical difficulties to execute it.”
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Video Credits
Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo. Zak Mroueh, Chief Creative Officer; Allen Oke, Executive Creative Director; Jon Webber, Creative Director/Copywriter; Allan Mah, Senior Art Director; Tara Handley, Christine Pacheco, Clair Galea and Ola Stodulska, Agency Producers; David Tremblay, Account Director; Lance Kowlessar, Account Supervisor; Emma Brooks and Jamie Cuthbertson, Strategic Planning.
Production: Sherpas Cinema, Accomplice Media. Dave Mossop, Director; Malcolm Sangster, Executive Producer; Byron Kopman, D.O.P.
Edit: Sherpas Cinema, Dave Mossop, Jay Baker, Will Biname, Editors.
Post: Sherpas Cinema, zulubot
Color: Color Matters Eric Rosen, Colorist.
Audio: Jacob Yoffee, Composer/Audio Engineer.
Projection Mapping: Go2 Productions. Adrian Scott, Executive Creative Director; Craig McEwen, Creative Director; Joe Surachet, Art Direction/3D Animation; Nash Sittisarebute, Compositor/Visual Effects; Marie Laderoute, Production Manager; Scott Justis, Technical Producer; Liz Toscano, Production Manager; Dan Mulcahy Qlab, Programmer; Carr Salvo Lead Projectionist.
Contact:Mel Gragido
Executive Producer
Accomplice Media
Contact Mel via email
Jeff Snyder
Executive Producer
Accomplice Media
Contact Jeff via email
Whitehouse Post Proudly Adds Nick O’Neill To Editorial Roster
Continuing their tradition of cultivating noteworthy editorial talent, Whitehouse Post is proud to announce Nick O’Neill has joined the Los Angeles Roster. Originally eyeing a career behind the camera, Nick earned his BFA in Film from the prestigious SCAD school in 2013. “At school I had a close-knit group of filmmaker friends turned roommates who motivated me creatively,” says O’Neill. “While I’ve always had a passion for editorial, my focus in college was on cinematography. Although I took a different path in my career, I think my time behind the lens informs my perspective in my work today.” Upon graduation Nick spent time at Apple and Chiat Day before joining Whitehouse Post in 2015. “A lot of my friends were agency creatives and kept showing me amazing campaigns they had cut at, surprise, surprise…Whitehouse! I had already become a fan of Charlie Harvey’s Gatorade work without even knowing she cut it. After starting at Whitehouse and working with Heidi Black on an exciting Google job, I knew it was meant to be. Whitehouse has a strong ethos of mentoring young talent and holding creativity as a top priority.” Nick has gone on to build an impressive reel working with top global brands including Lululemon, Beats, Lacoste, Gap, and Adidas. His work for Lacoste featuring Venus Williams was directed by Jonathan Salmon, a frequent collaborator. O’Neill’s work with Jonathan has also yielded 5 comedy short films that are set to be showcased in a 3 city tour called “Proof of Concept” later this year. Nick is thoughtful about his career and the lasting impression and emotion memorable work can create. “As an... Read More