Knight of Cups is a 2015 American romantic fantasy drama film written and directed by Terrence Malick and produced by Nicolas Gonda and Sarah Green. The film was shot during summer 2012 without a completed story. The film spent two years in post-production. Distributors confirmed the film to be released in 2015. The film premiered in the main competition section at the 65th Berlin International Film Festival in February 2015.
The title of the film refers to the tarot card of the same name, where "Knight" is the face card, similar to a Jack, Queen, or King, and "Cups" is the suit, roughly equating with the traditional suit, Hearts.
SPW CreditsDirected by Terrence Malick
Produced by Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green, and Ken Kao
Written by Terrence Malick
Music by Hanan Townshend
Production company: FilmNation Entertainment
Cinematography by Emmanuel Lubezki
Edited by Geoffrey Richman, Keith Fraase, A.J. Edwards
Starring Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Portman, Brian Dennehy, and Antonio Banderas.
Propel featuring Michael B. Jordan
Invisible North (IN) proudly unveiled a pioneering 2024 360 campaign for Propel, starring Michael B. Jordan. Last year, Propel announced Michael as their new brand partner, with a shared mission of bringing communities together through movement. In year one, IN partnered with Propel and Michael (alongside NOUN and Acceleration Community of Companies) to launch the Propel Your City Project (PYCP) - an initiative to drive fitness access by investing in local communities.
To launch the project, a hero film was created to share the ‘why’ behind PYCP and feature one of the partner organizations, WalkGood LA. Following the launch, they partnered with organizations in Atlanta, Detroit, Houston, and LA to expand programming in bespoke ways to address local needs and make the most impact. Year one was a huge success - providing over 160 free fitness classes for exercisers nationwide and seeing a positive impact on the local organizations, including supporting WalkGood LA in establishing an accessible, central fitness space called The WalkGood Yard. Building off of the success of 2023, IN worked with Propel and Michael’s team, to lean into the power of community to create a brand anthemic spot. This year’s TVC showcases Propel’s shared mission with Michael to help exercisers reach their goals with the help of their community. As their research confirmed, for many exercisers, going on their fitness journey alone can be difficult, which is why the spot captures the energy and motivation that comes from moving together. It also highlights how Propel plays a role in fueling your fitness journey, with Michael speaking to the power of having a community that pushes you toward your goals.
The 30-second spot is currently airing on all... Read More