For children confronting cancer, amputation takes as much of an emotional toll as a physical one — a reality that is poignantly depicted in the powerfully moving animated short film created by the STUDIO, which dramatically tells the story of 6-year-old Scarlett Aida Rivero Osejo and her journey following the loss of her right leg due to Ewing Sarcoma, a bone cancer that affects mostly children. The 3-minute short, entitled simply “Scarlett,” is playing pivotal role in both helping raise awareness for both the Scarlett Contra el Cancer foundation and April’s Limb Loss Awareness Month.
SPW CreditsCreative Credits:
Client: Scarlett Contra el Cancer
Project: “Scarlett” animated short
Production/Animation/Design: the STUDIO, New York
Director: Alison Abitbol
Creative Director/Executive Producer: Mary Nittolo
Producer: Jenna Gabriel
Art Direction: Alison Abitbol, John Holmes, Juan Mont
Early Concept Development: Mike Ocasio, John Holmes
Narrative: Paolo Cogliati, Alison Abitbol
Modeling: Juan Mont
Animation (Red and Blue World): Juan Mont, Adam Rozanski, Victor DeRespinis
Character Animation and Compositing: Juan Mont, Hee Jin Kim, Mike Sime, Ozan Basaldi, Jackie Garbuio, Eric Kilanski, Adam Rozanski, Victor DeRespinis
Matte Paintings: Alison Abitbol
Rigging: Malcolm Carrott
Lighting: Mirelle Underwood
Editing: Jackie Garbuio, Malcolm Carrott, Adam Rozanski
Character Development: Alison Abitbol, Mike Ocasio, John Holmes, Adrian Mateescu, Juan Mont
Special thanks to: Grace Ramirez, Antonio Navas, Solange Rivero and of course Scarlett.
Music: Hook+Line, New York/Los Angeles: Partner/Creative Director: Bryan Senti; Partner/Co-writer/Vocalist: Abby Diamond; Co-writer/Producer: Kyle Patrick
BODYARMOR FlashIV: Anitta Pit Stop
AE Production unveils its latest integrated campaign for BODYARMOR Flash I.V. In collaboration with First Tube Media, the innovative project featuring Brazilian Music Artist and BODYARMOR partner Anitta,
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