Thought-provoking short film Tattoo You, written/produced by Lisa Kenner Grissom and directed by Robb (S.R.) Bindler, has been reaching festival audiences around the country and is screening at the Palm Springs International Festival of Short Films. Based on the National 10-Minute Play Award-winner at The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, Lisa Kenner Grissom's Tattoo You tells the story of two women from the same town who re-connect in the bathroom at their 20th high school reunion. Their troubled past breaks the cool veneer of the present. The film’s creative team is comprised of entertainment industry and non-profit professionals who share the belief that we can create meaningful change through the healing power of storytelling. Widening audiences, the play was translated into a movie to generate more exposure about the long lasting impact of bullying, whether physical or psychological.
SPW CreditsWriter/Producer: Lisa Kenner Grissom
Director: Robb (S.R.) Bindler
Producers: Naom Dromi & Gina Salemi
Editors: Lev Vertov and Chapin Wilson
Post: Lucky Post
Color: Neil Anderson
Sound Mix: Scottie Richardson
Finish: Tim Nagle
BODYARMOR FlashIV: Anitta Pit Stop
AE Production unveils its latest integrated campaign for BODYARMOR Flash I.V. In collaboration with First Tube Media, the innovative project featuring Brazilian Music Artist and BODYARMOR partner Anitta,
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