A poignant tug-at-the-heartstrings animated tale in which a turtle family experiences a devastating loss due to the plight of the world's oceans tops SHOOT's first quarter VFX & Animation Chart for 2020. Animation studio Aardman brings us this "Turtle Journey" for Greenpeace.
Also in the quarterly VFX/Animation Chart mix are: the "Goodness" of a rural Milka slice-of-life commercial from Nexus Studios, London and Los Angeles; a "Fun Ride" from The Mill New York for American Family Insurance and BBDO NY; and a flight of fancy as a business goes airborne thanks to Blinkink London for Starling Bank out of U.K. agency Wonderhood Studios.
So give a look-see to the best visual effects and animation fare that the first quarter of 2020 has to offer.
Click image or headline below to view the work selected in this Chart.
1: Top Spot of the Week: Aardman, Greenpeace Take Us On Heartfelt “Turtle Journey”
Client Greenpeace Production Aardman, Bristol, UK Gavin Strange, director; Emily Stone, production coordinator; Sam Morrison, writer; Maya Wilson, storyboard artist; Sylvia Bull, character design; Davide Mastrolonardo, environment & background design; Thomas Sewell, set dresser; Chris Entwistle Tandie Langton Bronwen Salter George Watson, modelmakers; Simon Jacobs, DP; Alison Evans, Gareth Love Lee Wilton, Inez Woldman, animators; Louis Mcnamara, assistant animator; Damien Gray Guy, Holme Nat Sale, electricians; Sam Holland, rigger; Erica Powenall, Adam Cook, camera assistants; Sami Goddard, producer; Rich Spence, CG supervisor; Martin Blunden, Trine Sorensen Coolidge, Helen Duckworth, Nathan Guttridge, Ben Toogood, Chuen Tsang, Signe Tveitan, CG artists; Tessa Mapp, Luke Tickner, CG lighters; Joseph Thornley-Heard, FX artist; Owain Peake, additional FX; Rebecca Rose, previs artist; Marta Arisa Clotet, Eva Bennett, Dom Rayner, Mat Rees, CG animators; Fernando Lechuga, comp supervisor; Hugh Brazier, Paule Quinton, Spencer Cross, Jim Lewis, compositors; Bram Ttwheam, colorist; Dan Williamson, editor; Christopher Stock, Dopesheet editor; James Grant, Photoshop artist; Miles Cumpstey, sound recordist. Props Mangostone Ltd. Helen Javes (Toolbox: Maya, Arnold, Nuke, Houdini, DaVinci Resolve, Dragonframe, Photoshop, Procreate) Music Penguin Cafe Arthur Jeffes, composer. Sound Design/Mix Matt Loveridge, Will Davies. Voice artists Jim Carter, Olivia Colman, David Harbour, Giovanna Lancellotti, Calyssa Miller, Helen Mirren, Bella Ramsey, Ahir Shah, voice artists.
2: Top Spot of the Week: Nexus’ Sam Southward Directs “Goodness” For Milka, Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam
Client Milka Agency Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam Javier Perroud, producer. Production Nexus Studios, London & Los Angeles Sam Southward, director; Chris O’Reilly, executive creative director; Tracey Cooper, executive producer; Thierry Levy, producer; Derek Walsh, production manager; Andy Spence, lead artist; Felicie Haymoz, character designer; Dave Hunt, production designer; Signe Cold, Callum Strachan, designers; Russell Hossain, Morgan Ritchie, storyboards; Sergei Shabarov, Sara Holm, Thibaud Clergue, Rimelle Khayat, Alissa Mazouz, animation; Nur Diker, Fabien Glasse, Matt Clark, Maxime Dartrois, character modelers; Sebastian Bispo, James Drummond, Eder De Souza, Matteo Antona, props/environment modelers; Lea Finucci, texturing artist; Lea Georges, rigger; Dorianne Fibleuil, Carl Kenyon, Darren Rolmanis, Jonathan Vuillemin, CG generalists; Ian Beresford, Freddie Lewis-Wall, German Diez, Vlad Iliescu, composite; Thomas Heleta, Dave Slade, Mark Van Heusden, edit. (Toolbox: Adobe, Reference, Zbrush, Maya, Substance Painter, Marvellous Designer) Sound Design Factory Jack Hallett, sound design & mix; Lou Allen, audio producer.
3: Adobe, Goodby Silverstein To Debut Ode To Creativity During Oscars Telecast
Client Adobe Agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco Jeff Goodby, Rich Silverstein, co-founders/partners; Margaret Johnson, chief creative officer; Matt Edwards, Wes Phelan, creative directors; Jason Gan, art director; Clark Chamberlin, copywriter; Leila Gage, head of broadcast production; Tess Kenner, executive producer; Jim King, director of graphic services. Production/Animation/VFX Buck L.A. Ryan Honey, executive creative director; Jenny Ko, creative director; Georgia Tribuiani, creative director; Richard Gray, associate creative director; Luisa Murray, exec producer; Sunny Sattari, Ryan Mack, producers; Daniel Coutinho, animation director; Esteban Esquivo, Peter Kallstrom, animation leads; Paal Rui, Billy Kostka, Marianne Karaan, Andrew Gura, editors; Silvia Bassoli, storyboard artist; Ayla Murtada, Ben Nichols, Camily Tsai, Chelsea Lee, Dae-Han Yi, Daniel Hyo Kim, Debora Cruchon, Esther Moon, Eve Hodgkinson, Jigyu (Jigs) Yoon, Jong Lee, Kenneth Robin, Kevin Kim, Lauren Gaballo, Lina Yu, Mike Payne, Mike Tello, Shannon Rollins, Soon Joo, Zoe Schneider, designers; Jake Armstrong, Jasmine Ung, Jasper Hilgers, Junyi Xiao, Kyle Griggs, Sam Kim, Stephen Loveluck, Taylor Griggs, Zach Eastburg, animators. (Toolbox: Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere) Mix & Sound Design One Union Recording Studios, San Francisco Eben Carr, sound designer/sr. audio engineer; Jaylen Block-Smith, exec producer. Music “Pure Imagination” Gene Wilder, vocals; Anthony Newley, Leslie Bricusse, writers. Human, arrangement. Carol Dunn, executive producer.
4: BBDO NY, Director Peter Thwaites, The Mill Take A “Fun Ride” For American Family Insurance
Client American Family Insurance Agency BBDO New York David Lubars, worldwide chief creative officer; Greg Hahn, chief creative officer, NY; Susan Golkin, EVP, executive creative director; Tom Kraemer, sr. creative director; Jens Petter Waernes, creative director; Dan Blaney, SVP, group executive producer; Corie Rosenblatt, producer; Melissa Chester, executive music producer; Jessica Nugent, SVP, production services director. Production The Corner Shop Peter Thwaites, director; Anna Hashmi, exec producer; Jessica Miller, head of production; Jay Shapiro, line producer/EP; Joost van Gelder, DP. Editorial Work Editorial Bill Smedley, editor; Chris Delarenal, producer; Chris O’Brien, Julian Laing, assistant editors. Post/VFX The Mill New York Gavin Wellsman, creative director; Heath Raymond, exec producer; Christina Yiallouris, producer; Ajit Menon, shoot supervisor/3D lead artist; Krissy Nordella, 2D lead artist & finish artist; Thomas Panayiotou, Eric Sibley, Roger Cerqua, 2D artists; Jonathan Lee, 3D artist; Anish Mohan, 2nd 3D lead artist; Michael Almodovar, Andre Vidal, finish artists; Crystal Samuel, matte painting; Jeff Lopez, Lalit Salunke, John Wilson, animation; Pablo Estrella You, Eric Xu, lighters; Quinn Thompson, model; Senthil Murugan Balasundaram, lead tracking; Sewang Kim, FX; Ryan Federman, rigging; Adam Scott, colorist; Gemma Parr, Logan Highlen, Brandon Philis, Carver Moore, color assist. (Toolkit: Flame, Nuke, Maya, Substance Painter, 3D Equalizer) Music “You Make My Dreams” by Daryl Hall & John Oates. Sound Design Brian Emrich Audio Post Sound Lounge Tom Jucarone, mixer.
5: Top Spot of the Week: Blinkink, Wonderhood Studios Team To Help Business Fly For U.K.’s Starling Bank
Client Starling Bank Agency Wonderhood Studios, London Aidan McClure, chief creative officer; Jessica Lovell, chief strategy officer; Ads Dechaud, Phil Le Brun, creatives; Louise Richardson (@Arthur and Martha), producer. Production/VFX Blinkink, London Elliott Dear, director; Peter Suschitzky, DP; Alex Halley, producer; Emre Samioğlu, lead compositor; Doruk Saglam, Courtney Pryce, Emre Aypar, Gokcecan Gursoy, compositors; Klaas-Harm de Boer, Jeremi Boutelet, Florent Rousseau, Thibaud Clergue, 3D. (Toolbox: Modo, Nuke, practical effects and model miniatures) Editorial Speade, London Rich Woolway, editor. Color UNIT Denny Cooper, colorst. Audio Factory, London Anthony Moore, Jon Clarke, sound. Music Mcasso
6: Director Johan Renck, MPC, Anomaly Amsterdam Team on Bvlgari’s “Mai Troppo”
Client Bvlgari Agency Anomaly Amsterdam Production Soixan7e Quin5e, Paris Johan Renck, director/photographer; Thomas Legrand, product photographer; Jakob Ihre, DP; James Valerie, lead stylist; Law Roach, Zadrian Smith, styling; Marc Orstaelli, hair stylist; Christine Corbel, lead makeup stylist. Jan Houllevigue, production designer; Suzanne van den Bouwhuijsen, producer. Line Production Company Full Moon VFX/Postproduction MPC London Michael Aveling, VFX supervisor; Jessie Amadio, 3D lead; Abhinandan Madhu, Shashi Kumar S, asset artists; Jean-Clement Soret, colorist; Thomas Cole, producer; Ellora Chowdhury, color exec producer; Salil Thapa, line producer. (Toolbox: Flame, Maya)
7: Director Eli Sverdlov, The-Artery “See the Wonder” For Skyworth
Client Skyworth Agency Publicis Production Storm Films Eli Sverdlov, director; Richie Richie, DP. VFX/Design/Editorial/Post The-Artery, New York Vico Sharabani, founder/CCO; Deborah Sullivan, managing director; Melanie Wickham, head of production; Noam Weisman, editor; Lauren Indovina, design director; Daniel Bayona, Joe Grundfast, Shahar Brill, Tal Shub, additional design; Asaf Yeger, Jamie Scott, Matt Tremaglio, Aarif Attarwalla, Flame artists; Joe Grundfast, Daniel Bayona, Mario Bailón, Jamie Justo, Erik Ferguson, Lorne Kwechansky, Grace Cassas, 3D; Ruben Gloria, VFX producer; Thurman Martin, production coordinator; Steve Picano, color grading. (Toolbox: Flame, Houdini, Maya, Red-Shift, Octane, Arnold, After Effects, C4D) Music Tomer Biran/Audio Artists
8: Director Jeremy Saulnier, a52, Deutsch Team On High Octane Trailer For Taco Bell’s Nacho Fries
Client Taco Bell Agency Deutsch Brett Craig, chief creative officer; Jeremiah Wassom, creative director; Daniel Chen, Mikey Sison, associate creative directors; Karter Kraselt, art director; Ryan Siepert, copywriter; Judd Stricker, sr. integrated producer; Jasmine Sarbaz, integrated producer; Paul Roy, executive integrated producer. Live Action Production Neighborhood Watch Jeremy Saulnier, director; Diego Garcia, DP; Elyciphus Siler, live-action producer; Traci Carlson, Richard Peete, exec producers. VFX a52, Santa Monica, Calif. Jesse Monsour, VFX supervisor; Andy Wilkoff, CG supervisor; Caleb Ollivant, CG lead; Richard Hirst, Dan Ellis, Michael Vaglienty, Enid Dalkoff, 2D VFX artists; Robert Kim, Aemilia Widodo, Paulo deAlmada, Scott Nishiki, Joey Bettinardi, Joseph Chiechi, Michael Bettinardi, 3D artists; Erika Bird, designer; Peter Murphy, animator; Andrew Rosenberger, producer; Patrick Nugent, Kim Christensen, exec producers; Jennifer Sofio Hall, managing director; Sam Kolber, John Valle, online editors. (Toolbox: Flame) Color a52 color Paul Yacono, colorist; Corey Martinez, Aaron Flickinger, Dylan Bursick, color assistants; Jenny Bright, color producer; Thatcher Peterson, exec producer. Editorial Union Editorial Jim Haygood, editor; Joe Hughes, assistant editor; Joe Ross, producer; Michael Raimondi, managing partner/president. Audio Lime Studios Mark Meyuhas, mixer; Peter Lapinski, assistant mixer; Susie Boyajan, exec producer. Music Track: “Can’t Get Enough,” Griz, artist. Original Composition Massive Music Ben Einziger, composer.
9: Reel FX Animation Studios, Best Fiends Go Job Hunting At “King Slug Industries”
Client Seriously/Best Fiends Petri Jarvilehto, creator, EP; Josh Wallace, writer; Bill Morrison, art director; Andrew Stalbow, Matt McMahon, EPs; Claudia De La Roca, producer; Philip Hickey, associate producer; Sydney Bright, associate producer & development; Miguel Francisco, original character designs; Ville Lepisto, Tuomo Kalviainen, creative consultants; Claudia De La Roca, casting; Sydney Bright, Heitor Pereira, music. Visual Effects/Animation Reel FX Animation Studios, Dallas & Montreal Augusto Schillaci, director/VFX supervisor; Rod Douglas, storyboard artist; Amy Grieshaber, Marc Salouze, producers; Esteban Cassagnet, associate prodn mgr; Adam Carr, Marie-Eve Bonneau, prodn. coordinators; Sam Wiemers, modeling; Douglas Bell, rigging supervisor; Joe Porritt, Ken Kanipe, Ludovic Faucillon, rigging; Yuri Martell, matte painter; Federico Moreno Breser, Vincent Bisschop, Nicolas P. Villarrel, art dept; Megan Shaffer, surfacing supervisor; Jeff Huard, Yoan Gorin, Justine Landau, Martin Luna Castillo, Quentin Peyssonneaux, surfacing; Chris Browne, PJ Torrevillas, character FX supervisors; Christina De Luca, Keanu Vallier, Jennifer Cruz, Cinthia Ramirez Rodríguez, artists; Dan West, layout lead; Thomas de Maleingreau, Sean Monteagudo, layout; Elyse Roy, environment; Eddy Lowinski, FX supervisor; Tony Fan, Jyota Malcolm, Yuri Vieitas, FX; Martin Ferland, animation supervisor; Kosta Dracopoulos, Jason Park, Justin Ustel, Syuan-Ru Wu, Anna Masquelier, Tiago Ferreira, Chris Burnham, animation; Kelsey Craig, ltg supervisor; Swapnil Halarnkar, Randy Tecson, Melissa Gilbreath, Srabani Halarnkar, Pierre Lauret, Alice Lepoutre, Luiz Fernando Araujo, ltg; Seth Schwartz, CG supervisor; John Anderholm, tech supervision; John Levanas, TD; Ted Lebeau III, render supervision; Aldo Victoria, render wrangler; Joanna D. Ferguson, Emmanuel Laurent, heads of production. (Toolbox: Nuke, Maya, Flame, Photoshop) Agora Studio (virtual studio), additional texture & animation McFly Studio, Buenos Aires, Argentina, additional modeling and surfacing
10: TED, Chimney Celebrate International Women’s Day With Animated Short
Client TED Conferences Kristin Wheeler, creative producer. TED partner: Ultimate Software Creative/Production/Animation Chimney, New York & Los Angeles Sean Eno, creative director; Abigail Kim, designer; Dana Bonomo, exec producer; Travis Blain, animation (Toolbox: Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere) Music “We Go Beyond” by Yi Nantiro Audio Mix Casey Chester