Droga5, SMUGGLER Director Jaron Albertin "Breathe" For Harley Davidson


Robert Goldrich
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020


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Droga5 NY’s first piece of work for Harley Davidson, “Breathe,” connects us to the physical, emotional, mental, even spiritual effects of riding a motorcycle.

In a world that’s increasingly isolated, disconnected and numb, riding is the kind of human experience people are craving. The adrenaline rush of a ride that stays with you for days. Being out in nature while everyone’s stuck inside. Participating in a real, live community that spans the globe. Having your hands glued to a pair of handlebars, rather than your phone. It’s healing.

In “Breathe,” directed by Jaron Albertin of SMUGGLER, a Harley Davidson rider races to outpace “the voice of technology’”that gently instructs him to stay connected to the matrix. As the rider begins to leave the connected world behind, gentle instructions give way to desperate commands, until he bursts out into a world all his own, where the constant drip-feed of updates and alerts cannot follow.


Client Harley Davidson Agency Droga5 New York David Droga, creative chairman; Neil Heymann, global chief creative officer; Felix Richter, Tim Gordon, co-chief creative officers; Casey Rand, Kevin Brady, executive creative directors; Thom Glover, Marybeth Ledesma, creative directors; George McQueen, Tom McQueen, associate creative directors; Dan Litzow, sr. copywriter; Gemma Slack, Maria Kouninski, art directors; Jenny Yoon, copywriter; Jason Severs, chief design officer; Rich Greco, Devin Croda, group design directors; Craig Wong, group experience design director; James Garvey, sr. user experience director; Jenny Clark, associate director, experience design; Owen DiRienz, experience designer; Anna fine, design director; Albie Eloy, Kathryn Brylinsky, sr. designers; Louise Dreier, content strategy lead; Paul Vogel, content strategy director; Jeremy Zerbe, sr. design content writer; Rob Mellinger, performance writer; Mark Yoon, design director; Allison Lee, designer; Sally-Ann Dale, chief creation officer; Jesse Brihn, director of film production; Ruben Mercadal, associate director of film production; Gulshan Jaffery, exec producer, film; Tasha Cronin, co-director of interactive production & integration lead; Jonny Bauer, global chief strategy officer. Production SMUGGLER Jaron Albertin, director; Mattias Konigswieser, DP; Allison Kunzman, Patrick Milling Smith, exec producers; Nick Fewtrell, producer. Production Services Unit and Sofa, Prague.  Editorial Cut+Run NY Jonnie Scarlett, editor; Ellese Shell, exec producer. Postproduction The Mill Andrew Somerville, exec producer; Damien Van Der Cruyssen, telecine. Music/Sound Design Q Department Drazen Bosnjak, creative director. Audio Post Sonic Union David Pappa, mixer; Vicky Ferraro, exec producer.

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