Directed by Ivan Zacharias of production house SMUGGLER for TBWA\Media Arts Lab, this Apple hero film titled “Flock” shows the…
Browsing: Ivan Zacharias
A farmer putters down a long road in the middle of nowhere on his tractor, towing a giant pumpkin. The painstakingly…
A very dead and decaying CEO comes back to life at a boardroom meeting to tell everyone at his corporation…
A young woman named Ellie is mortified to stumble across a data auction–finding out that the data being auctioned is…
In this film directed by Ivan Zacharias of SMUGGLER–part of a global campaign created by Grey–a spokesman named Bjorn takes…
Retired baseball star David Ortiz has a new career, tennis instructor at a country club, in this spot for Intuit…
Ivan Zacharias of Smuggler directed three spots in this launch campaign for the Axe White Label product line of stick…