If you’ve lived in Texas for any amount of time, you know about Favor. For those who’ve recently moved to the Lone Star State, this campaign serves as a primer of sorts: first thing you need to know is that Texans love ordering from the Favor restaurant delivery app. And second, they obviously know how to pull off quirky comedy. The three :30s -  “Yard Signs”, “Neighbors”, “Ghost Town” - were created via Preacher in Austin, directed by Ryan Ebner of Art Class, and edited at Union ATX/NY, with post/VFX courtesy of Union NY. 

“This is one of those projects where the pieces all came together,” said Union’s Justin "Q" Quagliata, who cut the campaign. He’d previously worked with agency producer Lauren Bauder, but this was his first collaboration with the creative team, comprising ECD Greg Hunter, Creative Director Justin Ralph, Art Director Kymberli Fraser, and Copywriter Jacob Neuenswander. “They’d given us gold on the page, but this is not easy material to pull off.” With a chuckle, Q observed, “Based on the reaction it’s getting, we’re not the only ones who feel it went well.” Q worked previously with director Ryan Ebner, and praised the filmmaker’s “great casting, comedy...honestly, all the boxes you hope the director will tick, Ryan nails. He does it all.”

Each spot comes with quirks and comedic tags that keep the viewer on their toes. In “Yard Signs,” a mom points out that in addition to ordering with Favor, Texans love celebrating their kids’ accomplishments...in excess. A second spot is layered with multiple helpful “Neighbors,” who make the barn-raising scene from WITNESS look like a day off. Finally, one new transplant observes that their neighborhood turns into a “Ghost Town” on game days, but that no one hangs up their spurs if it means missing out on a Favor delivery.