• Tuesday, Mar. 7, 2023
RED launches Super35 version of V-RAPTOR and V-RAPTOR XL cameras
RED's new V-RAPTOR 8K S35 models

RED Digital Cinema® has officially announced the availability of the V-RAPTOR 8K S35 and V-RAPTOR XL 8K S35 featuring RED’s powerful, new S35 sensor. The new 8K S35 sensor has the same fast cinema-quality sensor scan time as its 8K VV counterpart, which is twice as fast as previous generations while maintaining dynamic range with 16.5+ stops and coverage for Super 35mm lenses.

The V-RAPTOR XL 8K S35 also includes RED’s new integrated electronic ND system, allowing for precise control of density in 1/4, 1/3, and full stop increments, providing never before seen exposure and depth of field control.

“The V-RAPTOR and XL have produced some of the best imagery I’ve seen, and now that performance is available to the filmmakers who prefer the Super35 format,” said RED Digital Cinema president Jarred Land. “Not just from the users who love their vintage S35 lenses and the flexibility of 8K, but the shooters working in areas like wildlife filmmaking and broadcast television. We’re excited to start seeing what they create with the new S35 cameras.”

RED had released a limited-edition beta V-RAPTOR RHINO 8K S35 in November of 2022, to support the wildlife cinematography community who had been asking for a successor to the DSMC2 HELIUM workhorse.

The V-RAPTOR 8K S35 and V-RAPTOR XL 8K S35  are available for order directly via the RED website or through any of RED’s premium or authorized resellers. The standard V-RAPTOR 8K S35 is priced at $17,995 while the XL, which comes in either V-Lock or Gold Mount, is $34,995.

Filmmakers now have even more choices when choosing the Super35mm format. V-RAPTOR 8K VV can capture Super35 in 6K, providing users with the flexibility of seamlessly switching between Large Format and Super35, or the new V-RAPTOR 8K S35 for 8K resolution with all Super35mm glass. By capturing the full 35 megapixels of 8K compared to the 20 megapixels of 6K, filmmakers gain the immense flexibility of 8K image capture while in the Super35mm format.

The new systems serve a variety of productions-–wildlife, live events, and traditional cinema. Wildlife and natural history shooters who often shoot hundreds of feet from their subjects will benefit from the V-RAPTOR 8K S35’s compact and flexible set-up while still allowing for wide-range zoom lenses.

The S35 V-RAPTOR systems are a solution for broadcast productions striving for more cinematic imagery in final delivery. The new 8K S35 sensor provides shallower depth of field, slow-motion playback, and higher resolution in a format that supports the wide range of lenses required for live event coverage. Live 8K workflows using RED Connect--which is compatible with both V-RAPTOR and V-RAPTOR XL, unleashes the power of 8K in these environments, allowing for different framing to be pulled from a single camera position and controlled downstream for a more immersive production.

As with the VV versions of these two cameras, they’ll be available in pre-bundled packs, which allow customers to get shooting right away. The standard V-RAPTOR is available in both a Starter Pack and V-Lock and Gold Mount versions of a Production Pack, while the V-RAPTOR XL is available in both V-Lock and Gold Mount versions of the Production Pack.

  • Wednesday, Mar. 1, 2023
Metaverse in spotlight at MWC tech fair even as doubts arise
Visitors test a SK Telecom VR flight simulator during the Mobile World Congress 2023 in Barcelona, Spain, Monday, Feb. 27, 2023. The four-day show kicks off Monday in a vast Barcelona conference center. It's the world's biggest and most influential meeting for the mobile tech industry. (AP Photo/Joan Mateu Parra)
BARCELONA, Spain (AP) -- 

I climbed into the front seat of the air taxi, buckled the seat belt and braced as the aircraft lifted off. The futuristic cityscape of Busan, South Korea, dropped away, and a digital avatar popped up on the windscreen with a message.

I couldn't answer as a wave of motion sickness hit me. The virtual reality goggles combined with motion-simulating seats pitching back and forth and side to side made it feel like I was actually hovering and maneuvering in the air. They also made me so nauseous I had to close my eyes for the rest of the three-minute journey.

Welcome to the metaverse — sort of.

South Korean company SK Telecom's air taxi mockup was one of the eye-catching demonstrations at MWC, or Mobile World Congress, the world's biggest telecom industry trade show. Tech companies and wireless carriers at this week's expo in Barcelona displayed advancements to connect people and businesses online, increasingly in new virtual reality worlds dubbed the metaverse.

Visitor Mark Varahona also felt woozy after trying the flight experience but is still considering buying a virtual reality headset, the hardware needed to enter any immersive digital universe.

"I was thinking to buy it before coming here. And maybe now I will buy them," he said. "They look quite nice."

The metaverse exploded in popularity after Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in late 2021 pronounced it the next big thing for the internet, renaming his social media empire and socking tens of billions into the idea.

He portrayed it as 3D community where people can meet, work and play — doing everything from trying on digital clothes, holding a virtual meeting or taking a trip online.

But doubts about the viability of the metaverse have been creeping in as the initial hype wears off. Sales of virtual reality headsets in the U.S. slipped 2% by December from the previous year, according to NPD Research. Reality Labs, which makes Meta Quest headsets, posted an operating loss of $13.7 billion in 2022.

Meta has said it plans to hire 10,000 engineers in Europe to work on the metaverse. When asked for an update, the company said, "Our expansion in Europe was always a long-term one planned over a number of years. We remain committed to Europe."

The "metaverse has not gone away," said Ben Wood, principal analyst at CCS Insight. "But I think there's a lot more skepticism about what role it's going to play, particularly in the consumer domain beyond the obvious areas of things like gaming."

The definition of the metaverse has been hard to pin down, adding to the skepticism. It is not the same as virtual reality and its cousin, augmented reality, said Tuong Nguyen, a Gartner analyst specializing in emerging technologies.

"So AR and VR very closely related to the metaverse in the same way that computers are related to the Internet," he said. "Think of it instead as evolution of the Internet, which changes the way that we interact with the world."

So how should SK Telecom's flight simulator be defined?

"Technically, it's not metaverse, but kind of metaverse," said Ken Wohn, a company manager.

South Korea's biggest telecom provider teamed up last year with California's Joby Aviation to develop an electric air taxi service to the country.

One day the air taxis might operate autonomously, using high-speed 5G wireless connections, Wohn said.

It was a different experience at French wireless company Orange's metaverse demonstration, where users were transported to a futuristic neon-hued technoscape with lightning bolts, giant robots and a falcon carrying a green orb in its talons.

A dancing figure appeared, representing the movements of a real-life dancer wearing motion-capture gear. It was a dazzling display, though what consumer purpose it had was not immediately clear.

Miguel Angel Almonacid, Orange's network strategy director for Spain, said it demonstrates how new 5G networks will eliminate lag for metaverse users watching something happening far away.

The metaverse might be more suited to practical purposes in the workplace, analysts said.

"That's where we'll see traction first because the barriers aren't as high," said Gartner's Nguyen. For example, a worker could use augmented reality glasses to pull up diagnostics or an instruction manual.

Spanish startup La Frontera uses the metaverse to provide virtual meetings with "realistic avatars," Marta Ortiz, a business development executive, said as she guided me through the company's metaverse.

We arrived first on a beach, with boulders, palm trees and a light blue sea. Her avatar appeared, a head and shoulders with disembodied hands hovering in front of her chest. We entered a nearby conference room with a boardroom table, where I used handheld controllers to pick up 3D objects like a toy ray gun and a bottle of Champagne.

Other metaverse applications include training for risky, repetitive or highly detailed procedures, like surgery.

The beach disappeared, replaced by an overturned tanker truck on fire. A fire extinguisher hung in midair. Ortiz told me to grab it with my virtual hand and spray it at the flames, which started to die down.

The virtual world also could be useful for showcasing products too big to move easily, like private jets.

Or they could be too small for humans.

The scene changed to a sci-fi setting, with crimson walls rising up around us, representing the inside of a blood vessel. Reddish-brown doughnut-shaped blood cells floated past, followed by spiky orbs. The blood vessel's wall opened up, exposing pulsing white streaks on a blue background, depicting neurons in a brain.

La Frontera works with pharmaceutical companies to "show how a drug works in the body at a cellular level," Ortiz said. In this case, it was a medicine to treat multiple sclerosis, which attacks brain neurons.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023
CARTONI acquires STE-MAN/Manios Digital & Film
Elisabetta Cartoni (l) of Cartoni , and Steve Manios of STE-MAN/Manios Digital & Film

Cartoni, the Rome-based designer and manufacturer of professional camera support products for the film, television, and broadcast industries, has acquired STE-MAN Inc/Manios Digital & Film, the North Hollywood-based supplier of premium camera equipment. Manios Digital & Film has represented Cartoni products across the United States since 1989.

The move broadens Cartoni’s sales reach and enables the company to personally serve its diverse client base in the U.S. “In acquiring our U.S. distributor, we will be more directly involved with our number one market and improve our response to the industry’s evolving needs,” said Elisabetta Cartoni, president and CEO. “The close cooperation we’ve had with Steve Manios, and his great team will continue for many more years. This merger will also allow us to further expand and better serve the rest of the Americas with a dedicated warehouse and service center.” 

Manios assumes the position of VP of sales and marketing. “This is the natural step in a wonderful relationship spanning more than three decades,” Manios said. “I’m looking forward to working closely with the Cartoni team in Italy and growing markets for their unique products.” Other senior members of the Manios Digital & Film staff will continue in their current roles, including Western regional sales manager David Butler, Eastern regional sales manager Gus Harilaou, inside sales manager Chris Lobos and accounting director Selma Top.

Manios Digital & Film has launched and marketed Cartoni’s most popular and innovative tools in the U.S.  Cartoni’s diverse range of fluid heads, tripods, pedestals and accessories are used worldwide by leading cinematographers, camera operators and television cameramen. Founded in 1935, it is a support company that designs, manufactures and assembles its products in Europe. The company owns over three dozen patents for its fluid action and counterbalance technology. Cartoni innovation has received international recognition, including a Scientific and Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 1992 for the technology behind the company’s fluid heads, and two Society of Operating Cameramen (SOC) Technical Awards for the invention of the first Fluid Modular Camera Control Head System in 1999 and, in 2016, for outstanding contributions to cinematography through the design and development of the Lambda Head.

  • Monday, Feb. 27, 2023
AI learns to outsmart humans in video games--and real life
This image released by Sony Interactive Entertainment shows a scene from the video game Gran Turismo Sophy. Grand Turismo players have been competing against computer-driven race cars since the franchise launched in the 1990s, but the new AI driver that was unleashed last week on Grand Turismo 7 is smarter and faster because it's been trained using the latest AI methods. (Sony Interactive Entertainment via AP)

Speed around a French village in the video game Gran Turismo and you might spot a Corvette behind you trying to catch your slipstream.

The technique of using the draft of an opponent's racecar to speed up and overtake them is one favored by skilled players of PlayStation's realistic racing game.

But this Corvette driver is not being controlled by a human — it's GT Sophy, a powerful artificial intelligence agent built by PlayStation-maker Sony.

Gran Turismo players have been competing against computer-generated racecars since the franchise launched in the 1990s, but the new AI driver that was unleashed last week on Gran Turismo 7 is smarter and faster because it's been trained using the latest AI methods.

"Gran Turismo had a built-in AI existing from the beginning of the game, but it has a very narrow band of performance and it isn't very good," said Michael Spranger, chief operating officer of Sony AI. "It's very predictable. Once you get past a certain level, it doesn't really entice you anymore."

But now, he said, "this AI is going to put up a fight."

Visit an artificial intelligence laboratory at universities and companies like Sony, Google, Meta, Microsoft and ChatGPT-maker OpenAI and it's not unusual to find AI agents like Sophy racing cars, slinging angry birds at pigs, fighting epic interstellar battles or helping human gamers build new Minecraft worlds -- all part of the job description for computer systems trying to learn how to get smarter in games.

But in some instances, they are also trying to learn how to get smarter in the real world. In a January paper, a University of Cambridge researcher who built an AI agent to control Pokémon characters argued it could "inspire all sorts of applications that require team management under conditions of extreme uncertainty, including managing a team of doctors, robots or employees in an ever-changing environment, like a pandemic-stricken region or a war zone."

And while that might sound like a kid making a case for playing three more hours of Pokémon Violet, the study of games has been used to advance AI research — and train computers to solve complex problems — since the mid-20th century.

Initially, AI was used on games like checkers and chess to test at winning strategy games. Now a new branch of research is more focused on performing open-ended tasks in complex worlds and interacting with humans, not just for the purpose of beating them.

"Reality is like a super-complicated game," said Nicholas Sarantinos, who authored the Pokémon paper and recently turned down a doctoral offer at Oxford University to start an AI company aiming to help corporate workplaces set up more collaborative teams.

In the web-based Pokémon Showdown battle simulator, Sarantinos developed an algorithm to analyze a team of six Pokémon — predicting how they would perform based on all the possible battle scenarios ahead of them and their comparative strengths and weaknesses.

Microsoft, which owns the popular Minecraft game franchise as well as the Xbox game system, has tasked AI agents with a variety of activities — from steering clear of lava to chopping trees and making furnaces. Researchers hope some of their learnings could eventually play a role in real-world technology, such as how to get a home robot to take on certain chores without having to program it to do so.

While it "goes without stating" that real humans behave quite differently from fictional video game creatures, "the core ideas can still be used," Sarantinos said. "If you use psychology tests, you can take this information to conclude how well they can work together."

Amy Hoover, an assistant professor of informatics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology who's built algorithms for the digital card game Hearthstone, said "there really is a reason for studying games" but it is not always easy to explain.

"People aren't always understanding that the point is about the optimization method rather than the game," she said.

Games also offer a useful testbed for AI — including for some real-world applications in robotics or health care — that's safer to try in a virtual world, said Vanessa Volz, an AI researcher at the Danish startup Modl.ai, which builds AI systems for game development.

But, she adds, "it can get overhyped."

"It's probably not going to be one big breakthrough and that everything is going to be shifted to the real world," Volz said.

Japanese electronics giant Sony launched its own AI research division in 2020 with entertainment in mind, but it's nonetheless attracted broader academic attention. Its research paper introducing Sophy last year made it on the cover of the prestigious science journal Nature, which said it could potentially have effects on other applications such as drones and self-driving vehicles.

The technology behind Sophy is based on an algorithmic method known as reinforcement learning, which trains the system by rewarding it when it gets something right as it runs virtual races thousands of times.

"The reward is going to tell you that, 'You're making progress. This is good,' or, 'You're off the track. Well, that's not good,'" Spranger said.

The world's best Gran Turismo players are still finishing ahead of Sophy at tournaments, but average players will find it hard to beat — and can adjust difficulty settings depending on how much they want to be challenged.

PlayStation players will only get to try racing against Sophy until March 31, on a limited number of circuits, so it can get some feedback and go back into testing. Peter Wurman, director of Sony AI America and project lead on GT Sophy, said it takes about two weeks for AI agents to train on 20 PlayStations.

"To get it spread throughout the whole game, it takes some more breakthroughs and some more time before we're ready for that," he said.

And to get it onto real streets or Formula One tracks? That could take a lot longer.

Self-driving car companies adopt similar machine-learning techniques, but "they don't hand over complete control of the car the way we are able to," Wurman said. "In a simulated world, there's nobody's life at risk. You know exactly the kinds of things you're going to see in the environment. There's no people crossing the road or anything like that."

Matt O'Brien is an AP technology writer

  • Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023
Autodesk releases Moxion Rooms for cloud-based production review
Moxion Rooms

Autodesk has introduced Moxion Rooms, a forensically secure review solution enabling creative teams in production and postproduction to share live streams and review uploaded assets in a single cloud-based environment. 

The solution was developed for the specifications and production needs of remote teams working on the Amazon Originals series The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, and is now being released commercially to boost collaboration and productivity for all studios.  

“Moxion Rooms accommodates collaborative review in a secure environment with video and voice chat, and elegantly hosts and stores everything anyone working on a production needs to access, from budgets to scripts and schedules,” said Ron Ames, producer/founder, The Modern Film Consortium. “This was essential for a project like Rings of Power with so many moving parts.” 

“We acquired Moxion to accelerate our move to production in the cloud, and we’re excited to introduce Moxion Rooms to support next-generation creative needs,” said Diana Colella, SVP, Autodesk Media & Entertainment. “Teams can now collaborate on footage and assets virtually as it is captured, and facilitate fully synced live review sessions via a browser. This ultimately enables faster content delivery and helps keep up with industry demand.”    

The cloud-based Moxion platform supports secure digital dailies and camera to cloud (Immediates) workflows. With Moxion Rooms people can collaborate and review camera footage on set and remotely with the efficiency and immediacy required to make creative decisions during principal photography in 4K high dynamic range (HDR) quality, with studio-grade security. Moxion Rooms includes powerful review tools, video and voice chat, and industry-standard support for Dolby Vision, HDR10 and SDR.

Accolades for Autodesk Moxion include an Engineering Excellence Award from the Hollywood Professional Association (HPA), a Workflow Systems Medal from the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), and a Lumiere Award from the Advanced Imaging Society. Moxion supports complex and challenging productions, including The Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power, The Midnight Sky, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and The Matrix Resurrections.


  • Friday, Feb. 17, 2023
Simu Liu to host Motion Picture Academy's Scientific and Technical Awards
Simu Liu

Actor Simu Liu will host the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Scientific and Technical Awards presentation on Friday, February 24, at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures. He will present nine awards, including an Oscar® statuette, to 20 individual award recipients during the evening. 

Liu made history as the star of “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,” the first Marvel movie to center on an Asian lead character.  His previous credits include the television series “Kim’s Convenience.”  His upcoming projects include “Barbie,” with Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling.

Achievements receiving Academy Scientific and Technical Awards need not to have been developed and introduced during a specified period of time. Rather, the achievements must demonstrate a proven record of contributing significant value to the scientific and technical processes of making motion pictures.

The 95th Oscars® will be held on Sunday, March 12, at the Dolby® Theatre at Ovation Hollywood and will be televised live on ABC and in more than 200 territories worldwide.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023
Google hopes "Bard" will outsmart ChatGPT, Microsoft in AI
A sign is shown on a Google building at their campus in Mountain View, Calif., Sept. 24, 2019. Google is girding for a battle of wits in artificial intelligence with “Bard," a conversational service apparently aimed at countering the popularity of the ChatGPT tool backed by Microsoft. Bard initially will be available exclusively to a group of “trusted testers" before being widely released later in the year, according to a Monday, Feb. 6, 2023, blog post from Google CEO Sundar Pichai. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File)

Google is girding for a battle of wits in the field of artificial intelligence with "Bard," a conversational service apparently aimed at countering the popularity of the ChatGPT tool backed by Microsoft.

Bard initially will be available exclusively to a group of "trusted testers" before being widely released later this year, according to a Monday blog post from Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Google's chatbot is supposed to be able to explain complex subjects such as outer space discoveries in terms simple enough for a child to understand. It also claims the service will also perform other more mundane tasks, such as providing tips for planning a party, or lunch ideas based on what food is left in a refrigerator. Pichai didn't say in his post whether Bard will be able to write prose in the vein of William Shakespeare, the playwright who apparently inspired the service's name.

"Bard can be an outlet for creativity, and a launchpad for curiosity," Pichai wrote

Google announced Bard's existence less than two weeks after Microsoft disclosed it's pouring billions of dollars into OpenAI, the San Francisco-based maker of ChatGPT and other tools that can write readable text and generate new images.

Microsoft's decision to up the ante on a $1 billion investment that it previously made in OpenAI in 2019 intensified the pressure on Google to demonstrate that it will be able to keep pace in a field of technology that many analysts believe will be as transformational as personal computers, the internet and smartphones have been in various stages over the past 40 years.

In a report last week, CNBC said a team of Google engineers working on artificial intelligence technology "has been asked to prioritize working on a response to ChatGPT." Bard had been a service being developed under a project called "Atlas," as part of Google's "code red" effort to counter the success of ChatGPT, which has attracted tens of millions of users since its general release late last year, while also raising concerns in schools about its ability to write entire essays for students.

Pichai has been emphasizing the importance of artificial intelligence for the past six years, with one of the most visible byproducts materializing in 2021 as part of a system called "Language Model for Dialogue Applications," or LaMDA, which will be used to power Bard.

Google also plans to begin incorporating LaMDA and other artificial intelligence advancements into its dominant search engine to provide more helpful answers to the increasingly complicated questions being posed by its billion of users. Without providing a specific timeline, Pichai indicated the artificial intelligence tools will be deployed in Google's search in the near future.

In another sign of Google's deepening commitment to the field, Google announced last week that it is investing in and partnering with Anthropic, an AI startup led by some former leaders at OpenAI. Anthropic has also built its own AI chatbot named Claude and has a mission centered on AI safety.

Michael Liedtke is an AP technology writer

  • Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023
Motion Picture Academy to honor 8 scientific and technical achievements
The Motion Picture Academy’s Scientific and Technical Awards ceremony in 2016.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will honor eight scientific and technical achievements represented by 19 individual award recipients at its annual Scientific and Technical Awards presentation on Friday, February 24, at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, marking its return to an in-person event for the first time since 2019. 

In addition, Iain Neil will receive the Gordon E. Sawyer Award (an Oscar® statuette) for his extraordinary technological contributions that have brought credit to the industry.

“Since 1931, the Academy has recognized the most important innovations in filmmaking; inventors and engineers have been advancing the art and science of motion pictures ever since,” said Barbara Ford Grant, chair of the Scientific and Technical Awards Committee.  “Their efforts have not only served to enrich the art form but inspire a global industry to engineer, create, change, and push the boundaries of our craft.  This year we honor achievements spanning accomplishments from pioneering methods in practical rain effects to career-long contributions in optical design for cinematography to humanistic-driven AI techniques.  This outstanding work has enabled new and exciting ways of creating and further expanding how we experience motion pictures.”

Unlike other Academy Awards® to be presented this year, achievements receiving Scientific and Technical Awards need not have been developed and introduced during a specified period of time.  Rather, the achievements must demonstrate a proven record of contributing significant value to the process of making motion pictures. 

The Academy Awards for scientific and technical achievements are: 

To Howard Jensen and Danny Cangemi 
for the concept and creation, and to John Frazier for the development of the 60- and 100-foot Rain Bars.

The Rain Bars provide a portable system for the creation of realistic, large-scale, adjustable, practical rain for motion pictures. Their rapid setup and relocation capabilities enable the efficient production of effects ranging from misting drizzles to torrential downpours.

To Mark Hills and Jim Vanns for the design and engineering of the FQ render farm management system.

FQ’s highly efficient scheduler and sophisticated prioritization algorithms reflect a deep understanding of render farm management. With an architecture that has remained largely unchanged for more than a decade, FQ continues to support substantial growth in computational complexity at Framestore.

To Matt Chambers for his contributions to modern render farm management system design as exemplified in the scheduling architectures of Cue3 and Plow.

These design contributions have resulted in robust, versatile, extensible and highly scalable render farm management systems that have supported substantial growth in computational complexity at Sony Pictures Imageworks and Weta Digital.

To Sébastien Deguy and Christophe Soum for the concept and original implementation of Substance Engine, and to Sylvain Paris and Nicolas Wirrmann for the design and engineering of Substance Designer.

Adobe Substance 3D Designer provides artists with a flexible and efficient procedural workflow for designing complex textures. Its sophisticated and art-directable pattern generators, intuitive design, and renderer-agnostic architecture have led to widespread adoption in motion picture visual effects and animation.

To David Eberle, Theodore Kim, Fernando de Goes and Audrey Wong for the design and development of the Fizt2 elastic simulation system.

Fizt2 provides a high-performance solver with novel and stable implicit physics and robust collision detection. The design of this system enables artist workflows to easily apply soft-body dynamics to a broad range of interacting animated characters and objects.

To Larry Barton for the pioneering design, development and engineering, and to Ben Wilcox for the electronic engineering and software development, of the Cinematography Electronics CineTape. 

The CineTape distance measurement system provides focus-pullers with continuous, accurate, real-time distance information to the subject, either at the camera or remotely. This high resolution distance data has enabled the reliable execution of shots that previously were impossible to judge accurately or had required multiple takes to achieve.

To Howard Preston for the concept, design and engineering, and to Bernie Butler-Smith for the design and implementation of electronic circuitry and software, of the Preston Cinema Systems Light Ranger 2.

The Light Ranger 2 provides precise real-time focus distance information by continuously tracking subjects in sixteen discrete zones. The distance and depth of field indicators are superimposed on the camera image, enabling the focus-puller to intuitively judge focus, even in formerly impossible and extremely challenging situations.

To Ryan Laney for his innovative adaptation and deployment of AI-driven facial veiling technology used to protect the identities while preserving the visual relatability of subjects in documentary filmmaking as exemplified in Welcome to Chechnya (2020).

To Iain Neil for his substantial, extensive and innovative lens designs which have had lasting impact in motion picture cinematography.

The 95th Oscars® will be held on Sunday, March 12, 2023, at the Dolby® Theatre at Ovation Hollywood and will be televised live on ABC and in more than 200 territories worldwide.

  • Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023
Google has the next move as Microsoft embraces OpenAI buzz
Zoubin Ghahramani, vice president of research at Google, speaks at the Google AI@ event on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022, in New York. Google has been cautious about who gets to play with its AI advancements despite growing pressure for the internet giant to compete more aggressively with rival Microsoft. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)

Before the artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT was unleashed into the world, the novelist Robin Sloan was testing a similar AI writing assistant built by researchers at Google.

It didn't take long for Sloan, author of the bestseller "Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore," to realize that the technology was of little use to him.

"A lot of the state-of-the-art AI right now is impressive enough to really raise your expectations and make you think, 'Wow, I'm dealing with something really, really capable,'" Sloan said. "But then in a thousand little ways, a million little ways, it ends up kind of disappointing you and betraying the fact that it really has no idea what's going on."

Another company might have released the experiment into the wild anyway, as the startup OpenAI did with its ChatGPT tool late last year. But Google has been more cautious about who gets to play with its AI advancements despite growing pressure for the internet giant to compete more aggressively with rival Microsoft, which is pouring billions of dollars into OpenAI and fusing its technology into Microsoft products.

That pressure is starting to take a toll, as Google has asked one of its AI teams to "prioritize working on a response to ChatGPT," according to an internal memo reported this week by CNBC. Google declined to confirm if there was a public chatbot in the works but spokesperson Lily Lin said it continues "to test our AI technology internally to make sure it's helpful and safe, and we look forward to sharing more experiences externally soon."

Some of the technological breakthroughs driving the red-hot field of generative AI — which can churn out paragraphs of readable text and new images as well as music and video — have been pioneered in Google's vast research arm.

"So we have an important stake in this area, but we also have an important stake in not just leading in being able to generate things, but also in dealing with information quality," said Zoubin Ghahramani, vice president of research at Google, in a November interview with The Associated Press.

Ghahramani said the company wants to also be measured about what it releases, and how: "Do we want to make it accessible in a way that people can produce stuff en masse without any controls? The answer to that is no, not at this stage. I don't think it would be responsible for us to be the people driving that."

And they weren't. Four weeks after the AP interview, OpenAI released its ChatGPT for free to anyone with an internet connection. Millions of people around the world have now tried it, sparking searing discussions at schools and corporate offices about the future of education and work.

OpenAI declined to comment on comparisons with Google. But in announcing their extended partnership in January, Microsoft and OpenAI said they are committed to building "AI systems and products that are trustworthy and safe."

As a literary assistant, neither ChatGPT nor Google's creative writing version comes close to what a human can do, Sloan said.

A fictionalized Google was central to the plot of Sloan's popular 2012 novel about a mysterious San Francisco bookstore. That's likely one reason the company invited him along with several other authors to test its experimental Wordcraft Writers Workshop, derived from a powerful AI system known as LaMDA.

Like other language-learning models, including the GPT line built by OpenAI, Google's LaMDA can generate convincing passages of text and converse with humans based on what it's processed from a trove of online writings and digitized books. Facebook parent Meta and Amazon have also built their own big models, which can improve voice assistants like Alexa, predict the next sentence of an email or translate languages in real time.

When it first announced its LaMDA model in 2021, Google emphasized its versatility but also raised the risks of harmful misuse and the possibility it could mimic and amplify biased, hateful or misleading information.

Some of the Wordcraft writers found it useful as a research tool — like a faster and more decisive version of a Google search — as they asked for a list of "rabbit breeds and their magical qualities" or "a verb for the thing fireflies do" or to "Tell me about Venice in 1700," according to Google's paper on the project. But it was less effective as a writer or rewriter, turning out boring sentences riddled with clichés and showing some gender bias.

"I believe them — that they're being thoughtful and cautious," Sloan said of Google. "It's just not the model of a reckless technologist who is in a hurry to get this out into the world no matter what."

Google's development of these models hasn't been without internal acrimony. First, it ousted some prominent researchers who were examining the risks of the technology. And last year, it fired an engineer who publicly posted a conversation with LaMDA in which the model falsely claimed it had human-like consciousness, with a "range of both feelings and emotions."

While ChatGPT and its competitors might never produce acclaimed works of literature, the expectation is they will soon begin to transform other professional tasks — from helping to debug computer code to composing marketing pitches and speeding up the production of a slide presentation.

That's key to why Microsoft, as a seller of workplace software, is eager to enhance its suite of products with the latest OpenAI tools. The benefits are less clear to Google, which largely depends on the advertising dollars it gets when people search for information online.

"If you ask the question and get the wrong answer, it's not great for a search engine," said Dexter Thillien, a technology analyst for the London-based Economist Intelligence Unit.

Microsoft also has a search engine — Bing — but ChatGPT's answers are too inaccurate and outdated, and the cost to run its queries too expensive, for the technology to pose a serious risk to Google's dominant search business, Thillien said.

Google has said that its earlier large language model, named BERT, is already playing a role in answering online searches. Such models can help generate the fact boxes that increasingly appear next to Google's ranked list of web links.

Asked in November about the hype around AI applications such as OpenAI's image-generator DALL-E, Ghahramani acknowledged, in a playful tone, that "it's a little bit annoying sometimes because we know that we have developed a lot of these technologies."

"We're not in this to get the 'likes' and the clicks, right?" he said, noting that Google has been a leader in publishing AI research that others can build upon.

  • Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023
Samsung's profit plummets amid global economic woes
Employees walk past a logo of the Samsung Electronics Co. at its office in Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023. Samsung Electronics said Tuesday its profit for the last quarter plummeted nearly 70% as a weak global economy depressed demands for its consumer electronics products and computer memory chips. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- 

Samsung Electronics said Tuesday its profit for the last quarter plummeted nearly 70% as a weak global economy depressed demand for its consumer electronics products and computer memory chips.

The company's operating profit of 4.3 trillion won ($3.5 billion) for the three months through December fell 69% from a year earlier, representing its lowest quarterly profit since the third quarter of 2014. Revenue fell 8% to 70.46 trillion won ($57.2 billion).

The South Korean tech giant thrived through the first two years of the pandemic thanks to its dual strengths in parts and finished products, benefiting from robust demand for PCs, TVs and chips powering computer servers as the virus forced millions to work at home.

But it has been harder for the company to weather the economic shock unleashed by Russia's war on Ukraine, which disrupted industrial supply chains and left major economies grappling with higher inflation and slower growth.

"The business environment deteriorated significantly in the fourth quarter due to weak demand amid a global economic slowdown," Samsung said in a statement.

The company's profit from its bread-and-butter semiconductor business came to 270 billion won ($219 million) for the last quarter, down significantly from the 8.83 trillion won ($7.1 billion) it got a year earlier.

Samsung said chip prices fell sharply amid weakened demand as clients adjusted their inventories in face of "deepening uncertainties" in the global economy, a problem the company says will likely extend into the first quarter of 2023.

Samsung also expects demand for its smartphones and TVs to fall further in the first quarter amid the global economic downturn.

Samsung's share price fell 3.5% on Tuesday.

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