Displaying 101 - 110 of 177
Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018
DP Bruno Delbonnel Reunites With The Coen Brothers On Netflix's "Buster Scruggs"
”You cannot turn down a Coen brothers movie,” affirmed cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel, AFC, ASC in explaining why he immediately committed to Netflix’s The Ballad of Buster Scruggs . “I felt very honored and privileged when they called me after we had worked years ago on Inside Llewyn Davis . It’s...
Friday, Oct. 26, 2018
Insights Into "First Man," "BlacKkKlansman," "The Favourite," "Black Panther"
In this prequel to SHOOT’s The Road To Oscar series which starts next month, we tap into voices of experience—Academy Award winners and nominees who are now find themselves again in the awards season conversation. Here are reflections from an Academy Award-winning DP, an editor who earned an Oscar...
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018
Producer & Director Perspectives On "Call Me by Your Name"; Diving Into The Sound of "Water"
Actor Peter Spears waited a long time to produce his first feature, Call Me by Your Name (Sony Pictures Classics). Clearly the wait was worth it--not just because the coming-of-age tale earned him a Best Picture Oscar nomination but also that the on-again, off-again roller coaster ride that...
Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018
Reflections on "Water," "Dunkirk," "Get Out," "Lady Bird," "Call Me by Your Name," "Beauty and the Beast," "Darkest Hour"
Along The Road To Oscar is a significant destination in and of itself—the DGA Awards. And four of this year’s five DGA nominees for Outstanding Achievement in Feature Film correspond with those in the running for the Best Director Oscar: Guillermo del Toro for The Shape of Water (Fox Searchlight);...
Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018
Sidney Wolinsky Reflects On Shaping "Water" With Director Guillermo del Toro
Editor Sidney Wolinsky, ACE first worked with director Guillermo del Toro on the pilot for FX Network’s The Strain , a series which del Toro created and for which he served as an executive producer. Their fruitful collaboration prompted del Toro to again gravitate to Wolinsky for a feature cut from...
Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018
Carrying On Tradition: DGA Award, Best Director Oscar Discrepancy Continues
The lion’s share of the time there is at least one difference between the Best Director Oscar and DGA Award nominee lineups. In only five of the 70 years of the DGA Awards have the Guild nominations exactly mirrored their Academy Award counterparts. This time around Paul Thomas Anderson is in line...
Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018
Barry Ackroyd, BSC Reunites With Director Kathryn Bigelow On "Detroit"
Detroit (Annapurna Pictures) marked a reunion for cinematographer Barry Ackroyd, BSC and director Kathryn Bigelow. They first teamed on The Hurt Locker for which Bigelow won the Best Director Oscar as well as a DGA Award in 2010. The film also garnered Ackroyd a Best Cinematography Oscar nomination...
Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2018
Insights Into Penning and Editing "I, Tonya"
Zigging while others were zagging led writer Steven Rogers to a story many had viewed wholly unappealing--that of figure skater Tonya Harding who was implicated in the knee-smashing attack on her prime U.S. skating competitor, Nancy Kerrigan, just prior to the 1994 Winter Olympics. Harding and her...
Thursday, Dec. 28, 2017
Editor Gregory Plotkin Reflects On "Get Out," Collaborating With Director Jordan Peele
While Get Out (Universal Pictures) marks an auspicious directorial debut for Jordan Peele, editor Gregory Plotkin hardly views him as a first-time filmmaker. “In working with Jordan--who also wrote the screenplay--nothing about him felt like a first-time director,” affirmed Plotkin. “He’s smart,...
Friday, Dec. 22, 2017
Directors Greta Gerwig, Martin McDonagh, Joe Wright Reflect on "Lady Bird," "Three Billboards," "Darkest Hour"
For her first turn as a solo director—the already widely acclaimed Lady Bird (A24)—Greta Gerwig benefited from having had an extensive, thorough “pre-pro,” one which spanned many years as a writer, producer and actress as well as an experience co-directing ( Nights and Weekends with filmmaker Joe...

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