Thursday, Sep. 30, 2021

Julia Ducournau was in town this week for the New York Film Festival premiere of her second feature, "Titane" a movie has already developed the reputation of being the year's wildest, most explosive movies.

"Titane" has prompted walkouts and passionately divisive responses, while also...

Saturday, Jul. 17, 2021

Julia Ducournau's "Titane," a wild body-horror thriller featuring sex with a car and a surprisingly tender heart, won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, making Ducournau just the second female filmmaker to win the festival's top honor in its 74 year history.

The win on Saturday...

Wednesday, Jul. 14, 2021

Val Kilmer was in movies he wasn't in. 

The new documentary "Val,"  bursting with footage Kilmer shot himself over his 61 years, includes home videos and backstage glimpses, as you might expect. But the most remarkable thing is seeing Kilmer's own audition tapes of himself. It's not just...

Tuesday, Jul. 13, 2021

The set-up of Tom McCarthy's "Stillwater" sounds very Liam Neeson. 

Matt Damon stars as a tough, terse Oklahoma father who travels to Marseille, France, to visit his jailed daughter (Abigail Breslin), who has been imprisoned for her role in a scandalous Amanda Knox-styled murder case....

Monday, Jul. 12, 2021

Thirty years after "JFK," Oliver Stone has returned to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this time in a documentary. 

"JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass" is a kind of non-fiction addendum to one of Stone's most sensational and controversial films. The documentary, which is to...

Sunday, Jul. 11, 2021

Joanna Hogg is sitting on a hotel balcony overlooking the Mediterranean, but what she'd really like to be doing is swimming in it. 

The night before, Hogg premiered her film "The Souvenir Part II" at the Cannes Film Festival. Sequels may be a regular part of summer, but they rarely make...

Sunday, Jul. 11, 2021

Sean Penn has been to the Cannes Film Festival about a dozen times — from bumming around with Robert De Niro in 1984 to presiding over the jury.

But his last visit was rocky. Penn's film, 2016's "The Last Face," flopped with critics in way that would make some filmmakers gun shy about...

Sunday, Jul. 11, 2021

Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, whose drama "Lingui" has been a standout of the first week of the Cannes Film Festival, has a unique relationship as a filmmaker to his native country of Chad. 

Haroun is one of the African nation's only film directors and easily its most prominent. That role —...

Saturday, Jul. 10, 2021

The veteran provocateur Paul Verhoeven premiered his lesbian nun drama "Benedetta" at the Cannes Film Festival with a solemn vow to resurrect sexuality in movies. 

"Benedetta" predictably stirred the French Riviera festival over the weekend. In it, the Belgian actor Virginie Efira stars...

Thursday, Jul. 8, 2021

In Leos Carax's "Annette," an enchantingly demented rock opera, Adam Driver sings in some very strange places. On a motorcycle. At sea. In the middle of lovemaking. 

"Annette" has predictably caused a stir at the 74th Cannes Film Festival, where its opening-night premiere prompted a wide...

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