Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021

SIGGRAPH 2021 announces its brand-new Retrospective program for the upcoming virtual conference, designed to reflect on the history of computer graphics and interactive techniques.

Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2021

SIGGRAPH 2021 Production Sessions and Talks boast an impressive lineup of more than 20 behind-the-scenes looks at the "making of" recent high-profile productions in film,

Monday, May. 24, 2021

SIGGRAPH 2021 announces the award winners and lineup of 37 short films, cinematics, scientific visualizations, breakdowns, and more set to appear in the second virtual Computer Animation Festival Electronic Theater

Monday, Apr. 5, 2021

On April 17 and 18, The Oxford Community Center and the Chesapeake Film Festival will host The Journey of a Hollywood Idea. This weekend-long event follows the “idea” from development, to pre-production, to production and postproduction, and ends with an examination of the diverse market

Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021

Two highly successful entrepreneurs will offer advice on launching new businesses in the post-production industry in the next edition of Post Break, the weekly webinar series from Post New York Alliance (PNYA).

Monday, Nov. 9, 2020

The Colorist Mixer, previously held in conjunction with NAB Show in the spring and IBC in the fall, will occur this year on December 12, 2020 as an exclusively online event.

Friday, Oct. 23, 2020

Today, Maxon announced its new lineup for the 3D Motion & Design Show, a free series of artist-focused streaming shows for 3D and motion graphics artists.

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2020

Adobe’s annual MAX conference, which had been growing in recent years as an in-person conference, has experienced huge growth in turnout in its first year online over last year's downtown LA event – registrations for the show now exceed 500,000.

Friday, Aug. 14, 2020

American Cinema Editors (ACE) has announced the dates and lineup for this year’s version of the popular EditFest, a two-day virtual event taking place online on the 29th and 30th  of August 2020, under the banner of EditFest Global.

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