Tuesday, May. 21, 2019

Whitehouse Post has bolstered its London roster with the signing of editor Joe

Thursday, May. 16, 2019

Creativity grows through the connection of brilliant and daring minds. In the coolest of collaborations, Cut+Run is joining forces with The Quarry, some of the most creative and awarded film editors in the UK.

Wednesday, May. 1, 2019

Continuing their tradition of developing outstanding editorial talent, Whitehouse Post proudly promotes 

Monday, Apr. 15, 2019

Award-winning editor Jessica Rosa joins the roster of New York and LA-based creative editorial boutique Northern Lights.

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018

A film trailer is designed to intrigue, to reveal enough information that the audience is compelled to find out the whole story.

Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018

NY/LA/SF based post-production boutique Northern Lights has signed award-winning Minneapolis based editor Brett Astor for bi-coastal representation.

Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018

Veteran editor Bill Cramer joins New York based post-production boutique Northern Lights.

Friday, Aug. 10, 2018

Dignity. A second chance. Laughter. Community. All of this and more is found at “The Tables,” shorthand for the running ping pong game in Manhattan’s Bryant Park. The game is the subject of director Jon Bunning’s new documentary short, filmed over 4 years in NYC.

Monday, Jun. 11, 2018

Ocean conservation is widespread through Earth’s waterways, but “Untangle Our Oceans” for Costa Sunglasses reveals how a shared love of the water has united fishermen with two lifestyle brands to help combat the pollution of our vital lifegiving source.

MySHOOT Company Profiles