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  • Monday, Dec. 9, 2013
This image released by Fox Searchlight shows Lupita Nyong’o, left, and Chiwetel Ejiofor in a scene from "12 Years A Slave." (AP Photo/Fox Searchlight, Francois Duhamel)

Steve McQueen's historic saga "12 Years a Slave," David O. Russell's con artist romp "American Hustle," Ryan Coogler's numbing "Fruitvale Station" and Alfonso Cuaron's space odyssey "Gravity" round out the American Film Institute's top-10 movies of the year.

Also landing on the list, announced Monday: Paul Greengrass' Somali pirate drama "Captain Phillips"; Spike Jonze's futuristic computer love tale "Her"; Ethan and Joel Coen's folk scene-focused dark comedy "Inside Llewyn Davis"; John Lee Hancock's Disney comedy "Saving Mr. Banks"; and Martin Scorsese's provocative stockbroker story "The Wolf of Wall Street."

The AFI also selected the year's top-10 television shows. "Breaking Bad," ''Game of Thrones," ''House of Cards" and "Scandal" were among the favorites.

The creative assemblages will be awarded at a Jan. 10 luncheon in Los Angeles.

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