Zulu Alpha Kilo Dodges The Bullet For Gun Control Coalition


Robert Goldrich
Friday, Jun. 14, 2019


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The Coalition for Gun Control has launched a project to show how gun violence touches every corner of Toronto, the fourth largest city in North America and one that has seen a major rise in gun violence over the past year.

Titled Dodge the Bullet, the project--explained by this film--uses geo-location technology to show how many meters away residents of the city of Toronto were from an actual shooting. The project taps into the Toronto Police Services’ API of shootings and homicide data to create an interactive map that shows every user how close they are, or have been, to a shooting. The campaign’s goal is to turn that data into a digital experience that creates a personal connection between every Torontonian and the rise in gun violence in their city.

By visiting dodgethebullet.ca, the experience explains to users that even though they “Dodged a Bullet,” they shouldn’t “Dodge the Issue” of gun control in Canada. From there, the web app directs them to sign the Coalition’s most recent petition on the House of Commons website. 

Created by Toronto agency Zulu Alpha Kilo, the digital experience is the most recent activation in the Trigger Change campaign, an effort by the Coalition for Gun Control to pass a national handgun and military assault-style weapon ban. 


Client The Coalition for Gun Control Agency Zulu Alpha Kilo, Toronto

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