Displaying 181 - 190 of 488
Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019
Mindy Kaling, Tracey Wigfield Discuss Hulu's "Four Weddings"
Mindy Kaling is optimistic about life. Got a problem with that? Kaling's sunny — yet clear-eyed — view is on display in her film "Late Night," in which she stars opposite Emma Thompson, and in the Hulu series "Four Weddings and a Funeral." Both projects are trademark Kaling: witty and nuanced, and...
Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2019
Francis Ford Coppola Reflects On "Apocalypse Now" 40 Years Later
If filmmaking is a war, then "Apocalypse Now" was very nearly Francis Ford Coppola's Waterloo. The battles Coppola fought while making his 1979 epic nearly destroyed him. A typhoon wrecked a major set. Harvey Keitel was replaced by Martin Sheen. Coppola searched desperately for an ending. He worked...
Friday, Aug. 9, 2019
TV Academy's John Leverence Reflects On Emmy-Nominated Spots
Continuing our annual tradition, SHOOT sought out Dr. John Leverence, sr. VP of awards at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, to get an entertainment industry perspective on the spots nominated this year for the primetime Emmy Award, which are: Apple’s “Behind the Mac--Make Something...
Thursday, Aug. 8, 2019
New Film Academy President Rubin Discusses Oscar Telecast, Museum
The new president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has been on the job for less than a day, but already has more than enough on his plate. Casting director David Rubin has ascended to the post as the head of the organization that puts on the Oscars after a turbulent year in which...
Tuesday, Jun. 18, 2019
Steve Singleton Discusses His ACE Eddie Award-Winning Work On "Bodyguard"
Earlier this year Steve Singleton, ACE, received an American Cinema Editors (ACE) Eddie Award for Best Edited Drama Series for Non-Commercial Television on the strength of Bodyguard (Netflix, BBC). This marked both his first ACE Eddie nomination and win. Bodyguard centers on the fictional story of...
Monday, Jun. 17, 2019
Composer Jeff Beal Reflects On "House Of Cards"
Composer Jeff Beal is a 17-time Emmy nominee, winning the honor five times, including twice for Best Original Dramatic Score on House of Cards (in 2015 and 2017). He has thus far earned four Emmy noms for House of Cards , the first two coming in 2013 and ‘14. Now once again, Beal is in the Emmy...
Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2019
A Conversation With Bill Murray and Jim Jarmusch
Jim Jarmusch and Bill Murray's long-running relationship began, fittingly, with a cup of coffee. In the early '90s, Jarmusch was walking north on Manhattan's Columbus Avenue ("not my neighborhood," he notes) when he noticed a guy walking toward him. That's Bill bleeping Murray, Jarmusch said to...
Wednesday, Jun. 5, 2019
Mindy Kaling, Emma Thompson Engage In "Late Night" Conversation
"Late Night ," a new comedy from Mindy Kaling, establishes itself as a fantasy from the outset. It's about a veteran late night talk show host who is a woman, after all. The film was directed by Nisha Ganatra (who's handled by Chelsea Pictures for spots and branded content). Emma Thompson plays...
Friday, May. 24, 2019
Composer Nicholas Britell Makes First Foray Into TV Series With HBO's "Succession"
Composer Nicholas Britell is a two-time Oscar nominee for Best Original Score, both for films directed by Barry Jenkins: Best Picture Academy Award winner Moonlight in 2017, and If Beale Street Could Talk this year. Britell’s feature filmography also includes a couple of notable features for...
Monday, May. 20, 2019
Pedro Almodovar Discusses "Pain and Glory," Cannes Film Fest
Pedro Almodovar's "Pain and Glory" is a self-portrait of rare precision and warm intimacy. It stars Antonio Banderas as Salvador Mallo, a famous aging filmmaker, hobbled by physical ailments, who lives in a Madrid apartment reproduced from Almodovar's own, right down to the books on the shelves and...

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