Displaying 1461 - 1470 of 1510
Saturday, Oct. 1, 2005
The Breakthrough Editor
Leo King got involved in editing at a mere 15, when he worked for Tony Lawson, a feature editor who at the time was cutting a film called The Two Deaths for director Nicholas Roeg. "At the time, the editor was still working with sticky tape and splicers, so I was amazed and transfixed at how the...
Saturday, Oct. 1, 2005
The Art Of An Integrated Campaign
In the past, when a carmaker wanted to introduce a new vehicle, all they had to do was make a big announcement with bells and whistles at the annual North American International Auto Show in Detroit, and launch a TV campaign that featured the car strutting its stuff on winding roads. Now, with...
Saturday, Oct. 1, 2005
Adding To The Mix
Advertising campaigns are growing more and more complex, with elements ranging from TV spots to Web games--whether simple, or more complex alternate reality games--and other online elements, as well as outdoor, posters and wild postings. Agency production departments are increasingly multi-tasking...
Saturday, Oct. 1, 2005
G-Phoria Hits The Screen
With videogames among the most popular forms of entertainment, particularly to the elusive male demographic, it should come as no surprise that there's a TV network devoted to them--called G4, the videogame network. As can be expected, along with a network comes an awards show--G-Phoria, which took...
Saturday, Oct. 1, 2005
Yahoo! Goes Small For Big Music Service
To introduce its new subscription music service, Yahoo! opted to think small. In a new integrated campaign from agency Soho Square, New York, and OgilvyOne, San Francisco, Mini Pops--pixilated creatures created by artist Craig Robinson--come to life to tout Yahoo! Music Unlimited. The new digital...
Friday, Sep. 9, 2005
Before Fuse
To tout the increasing availability of cable network Fuse, the upstart music channel that actually shows videos, agency Amalgamated, New York, recently broke a trio of spots that presents the channel as a cure to teenage boredom. The three ads--"Above Ground Pool," "Fryer," and "Rabbit"--feature...
Friday, Sep. 9, 2005
Stateside Debut
Creative directors Jan Jacobs and Leo Premutico joined Saatchi & Saatchi, New York, in May, from the London office of the agency. Since pairing up in 2003, Jacobs, an art director, and Premutico, a copywriter, have had much success. They are the creative minds behind "Ventriloquist," a moving...
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2005
Fruit Flavored Goodness
Two sheep that can speak--and have the voices and faces of teenage boys--team with a kid who has blender hands to tout Smoothie Mix Skittles. A man in a bird's nest is fed Skittles. A sculpture is a work of culinary art, made out of Starburst fruit chews. And a mariachi band drowns in the delicious...
Saturday, Oct. 1, 2005
Thanks For The Laughs
With their first collaboration, copywriter Tim Gillingham and art director Bobby Appleby of Fallon, Minneapolis, have shown they can create clever comedy for their clients. In fact, the spots in the "Thank You" campaign for client Citi--"Wizard," "Mountain," "Dressing Up," "Runner," "Desk" and "...
Friday, Aug. 19, 2005
Search Party Seeks Out Ad Opportunities
The soundtracks for films that music supervisor Randall Poster creates are as well known and lauded as the features themselves. Poster has collaborated with noted auteur Wes Anderson on all of his films-- Bottle Rocket , Rushmore , The Royal Tenenbaums , The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou and the...

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