Monday, Aug. 13, 2018

Today, Vicon announces the release of “Origin,” a comprehensive location-based virtual reality (LBVR) system that blends Vicon’s unmatched, Academy Award®-winning tracking abilities with tools that make it easy for anyone to setup and operate.

Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2017

In Marvel Studios’ latest blockbuster, Thor: Ragnarok, an electrified god of thunder fights off an army of undead soldiers high above the waters on the narrow Rainbow Bridge, as the citizens of Asgard watch on in fear.

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017

A crash landing, a bruised hero, a crowd about to swarm. For Framestore, Blade Runner 2049's thrilling Trash Mesa attack sequence had all the elements of a classic set piece, it only needed its band of scavengers.

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