Wednesday, May. 29, 2019

One of the best things about shooting cars is the sheer challenge involving reflection. Some reflections are wanted, some unwanted, but one thing is for sure. Nothing just happens. Everything is planned.

Wednesday, May. 29, 2019

Pursuit Aviation, a leading global aerial cinematography company for movies, television and commercials, nnounced that it has created Whiskey Wheels, a first-of-its-kind setup inside a helicopter that delivers an entirely new way of shooting aerial scenes.

Wednesday, May. 22, 2019

Sigma Corporation of America, a leading still photo and cinema lens, camera, flash and accessory manufacturer, will exhibit its full Sigma Cine lens lineup, including the new 

Friday, May. 17, 2019

Filmotechnic, the largest camera car company in the world, recently completed five shoots in five US cities the first week of May, including car spots in Los Angeles, Austin and NYC, a commercial in Detroit and feature film in Charlotte.

Monday, Apr. 8, 2019

 JVC Professional Video, a division of JVCKENWOOD USA Corporation, has continued to develop its CONNECTED CAM family of products to create the most resilient video transport over the internet.

Wednesday, Apr. 3, 2019

Sigma Corporation of America, a leading still photo and cinema lens, camera, flash and accessory manufacturer, is pleased to announce its latest lens introductions and newly formed technology alliance, of which Sigma is a part, have been honored by the Tec

Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2019

Sigma Corporation of America, a leading still photo and cinema lens, camera, flash and accessory manufacturer, today announced its presence at the 2019 National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show held in Las Vegas, NV from April 6-11, 2019.

Thursday, Mar. 21, 2019

Miller Tripods Ltd., a leader in the production of innovative camera support solutions, will showcase a full lineup of new products at NAB 2019 (Booth C8721), including the 75 Sprinter II 2 Stage Carbon Fibre Tripod, the debut of its HDC Tripods, a new line catered for cinematogra

Thursday, Mar. 21, 2019

When people think about camera arms, they usually visualize the large camera crane originally conceived and developed by Filmotechnic. It truly revolutionized the entertainment industry, giving directors the ability to capture their vision like never before, at a price point most could access.

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