2023 Production Outlook Survey Response: New Year’s Predictions, Hopes, Resolutions

Keith Cartwright
Chief Creative Officer

What industry trends, developments or issues were most significant in 2022?
The recession was real. Clients cut budgets and pulled back on productions. That will be the take-away for most business but as it affects advertising we are usually the first to feel it and the last to recover.

What is the most relevant business and/or creative lesson you learned in 2022 and how will you apply it to 2023?
The best work happens when humans are in the room. Being together affects the work in a positive way. You can’t mimic human creative synapses over zoom.

How have any societal issues--such as the pandemic, the Supreme court decision on abortion, calls for equity, inclusion, diversity, racial and social justice--impacted the way you do business, company policies and/or selection of projects/creative content? 
Everything affects the way you do business. As a creative culture we feed on what is happening in the world. People respond to ideas based on where their heads at. If you ignore that you’re just talking to yourself.

What are your goals or New Year’s resolution, creatively speaking or from a business standpoint, for your agency, company or department in 2023?
Make the most creatively audacious work we can. That's what’s fun. That’s what drives business for our partners, and that's why I love what I do.

Gazing into your crystal ball, what do you envision for the advertising and/or entertainment industry--creatively speaking or from a business standpoint--in 2023? 
The recession isn’t over. I’m predicting more attrition and more global consolidation. It’s a good thing I’m my opinion. Let’s cut the fat get small and get back to big ideas and amazing work.

How did your company, agency, studio or department adjust/adapt to the marketplace in 2022 (new strategies, technology, health/safety expertise) and what of all that bodes well for 2023?
We had an appetite to come together again. We spent a lot of time working though our safe practices and policies that fit the culture of our business and the people. 2023 will be the time to see the real efforts of our planning.

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