New Yorkers Encouraged To Wear A Mask In PSA Featuring An Infamous Mask Wearer


Robert Goldrich
Tuesday, Jun. 23, 2020


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Toby Trygg, executive creative director of OgilvyHealth, and freelance creative director Ace-Henry McEnroe teamed with director Sam O’Hare via Chimney on this PSA which turns an infamous mask wearer into a public service advocate. 

The spot deploys humor--no preaching or fear mongering--to convey a life-saving message to New Yorkers: Wear a mask to help prevent transmission of COVID-19.


Agency OgilvyHealth Toby Trygg, executive creative director; Ace-Henry McEnroe, freelance creative director. Production Chimney Sam O’Hare, director; Jake Loonan, exec producer; Julie Hershan, head of production; Nicole Melius, head of post; Glenn Conte, director of editorial; Lez Rudge, colorist; Joel Myers, conform; Felix Thedeby, VFX. Sound Design/Mix Sonic Union Owen Shearer

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