WJW Institute, VaynerMedia, Reel Goats Reach Out To Black and Latin Communities With "One Decision For Us" Vaccination Message


Robert Goldrich
Monday, Jul. 19, 2021


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The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world with devastating intensity and laid bare longstanding racial and socioeconomic health inequities. While the COVID-19 vaccines provide hope amid the pandemic, inequity remains. In many states, vaccination rates for Black Americans and Latinos are lower than average, leaving these communities unprotected from the ongoing pandemic.

Recognizing this and the need to advocate for the Black and Latin communities, The William Julius Wilson (WJW) Institute at Harlem Children’s Zone launched “One Decision For Us.” This emotionally connective spoken word piece acknowledges the distrust and hesitancy, while highlighting the sheer impact on how one person’s decision to get the vaccine can positively affect them, their loved ones, their communities and their culture.

Written by spoken word artist Justice Davis, the viewer witnesses an omnipresent Davis taking us through the piece. Throughout the film, there are emotional depictions of hardships communities faced during the pandemic, empowering moments of getting vaccinated, and how the decision to do so can define people and cultures most impacted by COVID.

Directed by L.A.-based filmmakers Reel Goats, the film is part of a campaign developed by VaynerMedia.


Client The William Julius Wilson Institute at Harlem Children’s Zone Agency VaynerMedia Rob Leonis, chief creative officer; Mimia Johnson, group creative director; Matthew Moyer, Marsha Chandy, creative directors; Angela Granados, sr. art director; Dhanush Paramesh, sr. copywriter; Christiana Vasquez, Claudia Guerra, creators; Wanda Pogue, chief strategy officer; Stephenie Stewart, strategy director; Lily Crager, associate strategist; Paul Rubin, sr. producer. Production Vayner Productions Maya Brewster, chief production officer; Mat Hollis, exec producer; Rodney Byerson, producer; Reel Goats, directors/editors/producers.

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