Friday, Nov. 18, 2011

Have a look-see at the quarter's leading VFX and Animation spots, which showcase a wide range of genres, looks and approaches.  See related article here. 

SHOOT Fall...

Friday, Nov. 18, 2011

Animation studio Bent Image Lab--with a body of work spanning commercials, music videos and shorts--is making its first foray into long-form fare, co-producing Jingle All The Way, a stop motion animated TV special for Hallmark Channel...

Friday, Nov. 18, 2011

A brief acceptance speech isn't enough. And that's a luxury afforded just for those who win. What about those who are "merely" nominated? The fact is that it's a high honor to attain nominee or award winner status yet for both there should be a place to reflect on the work and share with others...

Friday, Oct. 21, 2011

If it's possible to hear a slight wince over the phone, it's at least borderline perceptible when director Bennett Miller is asked to discuss Oscar prospects for his Moneyball, which has opened to rave reviews and been mentioned often as a contender in the early Academy Awards buzz. He...

Friday, Sep. 23, 2011

Whether the proverbial glass is viewed as half full or half empty depends on one's orientation and attitude. But either way, there's half a glass left to fill, and the optimist might be more inclined to chart new waters for that purpose while the pessimist would maintain the status quo level of...

Friday, Sep. 23, 2011

It's a staple of the horror movie genre: the victim who's blisfully oblivious to pending doom and disaster.
    And it's played to perfection in this feature film spoof conceived by a creative ensemble at Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal & Partners...

Friday, Sep. 23, 2011

Though the advertising agency (Wieden+Kennedy) and production company (Serial Pictures) behind it are in Portland, Ore., and Los Angeles, respectively, Chrysler's "Born Of Fire"...

Friday, Aug. 19, 2011

Following the right path has taken on a new meaning figuratively and literally speaking as the post/editorial industry evolves. Emerging paths have come in the form of post workflows spurred on by digital cameras, diversification as new business pipelines open up--from 3D to the reach of...

Friday, Aug. 19, 2011

A fire rages through a house. As a firefighter finds himself in the throes of the blaze, inexplicably a man calmly sits and watches the flames engulf the room. It's not until a little later that we realize that this man is viewing a Backdraft-esque feature film as he goes from one room...

Friday, Aug. 19, 2011

Commercials were well represented at the Computer Animation Festival, a featured attraction during last week's annual SIGGRAPH confab in Vancouver. Prominent in the mix were multiple spots from Psyop, New York, The Mill (...

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