Wednesday, Jun. 9, 2010

The Leo Awards presented Jon Joffin with the prize for Best Cinematography in a Feature Length Drama for "Alice," the SyFy's channel's adaptation of "Alice In Wonderland" on Saturday.

Monday, Apr. 26, 2010

Lauded feature cinematographer Nancy Schreiber, A.S.C. has signed on to Dattner Dispoto's elite DP roster. Her latest feature, "Every Day" premiered April 24 at the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival.

Friday, Mar. 19, 2010>The Directors Network (TDN) has officially launched DP Kevin Emmons as a

Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010

This year's Sundance Film Festival will screen four films from Dattner Dispoto cinematographers: Mott Hupfel's Jack Goes Boating; Xavier Perez Grobet's Mother and Child; Sam Levy's The Romantics; Maryse Alberti's Casino Jack and the United States of Money; plus one fro

Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2010

EARTHBOUND, the major motion picture starring Kate Hudson, Gael Garcia Bernal, & Kathy Bates is holding an Open Casting Call for Principal & Background Actors.

Friday, Aug. 7, 2009

The passing of "Gidget" the Chihuahua, has special meaning to pop culture, the ad industry and Berland Casting.

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